And do thou, my dearest Lucianus, since thou art wise, bear with good-will the unwise; 1 and they too may perchance become wise. Do no one an injury at any time, and provoke no one to anger. If an injury is done to you, look to Jesus Christ; and even as ye desire that He may remit your transgressions, do ye also forgive them theirs; 2 and then also shall ye do away with all ill-will, and bruise the head of that ancient serpent, 3 who is ever on the watch with all subtlety to undo your good works and your prosperous attainments. Let no day pass by without reading some portion of the Sacred Scriptures, at such convenient hour as offers, and giving some space to meditation. 4 And never cast off the habit of reading in the Holy Scriptures; for nothing feeds the soul and enriches the mind so well as those sacred studies do. But look to this as the chief gain you are to make by them, that, in all due patience, ye may discharge the duties of your office religiously and piously--that is, in the love of Christ--and despise all transitory objects for the sake of His eternal promises, which in truth surpass all human comprehension and understanding, 5 and shall conduct you into everlasting felicity.
A happy adieu to you in Christ, my Lord Lucianus.