Chapter XXV.--How All came to an Agreement respecting the Passover.
1. Those in Palestine whom we have recently mentioned, Narcissus and Theophilus, 1 and with them Cassius, 2 bishop of the church of Tyre, and Clarus of the church of Ptolemais, and those who met with them, 3 having stated many things respecting the tradition concerning the passover which had come to them in succession from the apostles, at the close of their writing add these words: 4
2. "Endeavor to send copies of our letter to every church, that we may not furnish occasion to those who easily deceive their souls. We show you indeed that also in Alexandria they keep it on the same day that we do. For letters are carried from us to them and from them to us, so that in the same manner and at the same time we keep the sacred day." 5
In chaps. 22 and 23. For particulars in regard to them, see chap. 22, notes 6 and 7. ↩
Cassius and Clarus are otherwise unknown men. ↩
i.e. in the Palestinian council mentioned in chap. 23. Upon this and the other councils held at the same period, see chap. 23, note 2. ↩
This fragment is given, with annotations, by Routh, Rel. Sac. II. p. 3 sq. English translation in the Ante-Nicene Fathers, VIII. p. 774. ↩
These epistles, like all the rest written at this time on the paschal question, are now lost (see chap. 23, note 4). ↩