The Ecclesiastical History of Theodoret (CCEL)
Chapter XV. The Epistle of Constantine concerning the preparation of copies of the Holy Scriptures.
“ Constantinus Augustus , the great and the victorious, to Eusebius.
“In the city 1 which bears our name, a great number of persons have, through the providential care of God the Saviour, united themselves to the holy Church. As all things there are in a state of rapid improvement, we deemed it most important that an additional number of churches should be built. Adopt joyfully the mode of procedure determined upon by us, which we have thought expedient to make known to your prudence, namely, that you should get written, on fine parchment, fifty volumes 2, easily legible and handy for use; these you must have transcribed by skilled calligraphers, accurately acquainted with their art. I mean, of course, copies of the Holy Scriptures, which, as you know, it is most necessary that the congregation of the Church should both have and use. A letter has been sent from our clemency to the catholicus 3 of the diocese, in order that he may be careful that everything necessary for the undertaking is supplied. The duty devolving upon you is to take measures to ensure the completion of these manuscripts within a short space of time. When they are finished, you are authorised by this letter to order two public carriages for the purpose of transmitting them to us; and thus the fair manuscripts will be easily submitted to our inspection. Appoint one of the deacons of your church to take charge of this part of the business; when he comes to us, he shall receive proofs of our benevolence. May God preserve you, beloved brother.”
What has been already said is enough to shew, nay to clearly prove, how great zeal the emperor manifested on the matters of religion. I will, however, add his noble acts with regard to the Sepulchre of our Saviour. For having learnt that the idolaters, in their frantic rage, had heaped earth over the Lord’s tomb, eager thus to destroy all remembrance of His Salvation, and had built over it a temple to the goddess of unbridled lust, in mockery of the Virgin’s birth, the emperor ordered the foul shrine to be demolished, and the soil polluted with abominable sacrifices to be carried away P. 54 and thrown out far from the city, and a new temple of great size and beauty to be erected on the site. All this is clearly set forth in the letter which he wrote to the president 4 of the church of Jerusalem, Macarius, whom we have already mentioned as a member of the great Nicene Council, and united with his brethren in withstanding the blasphemies of Arius. The following is the letter.
Constantinople was dedicated a.d. 330 on the site of the ancient Byzantium. ↩
σωμάτια. The Codex Sinaiticus has been thought to be one of these. ↩
i.e. the “Comes fisci,” or officer managing the revenues of the Province. Diœcesis is used in civil sense by Cicero, Ep. Fam. 3, 8, 4, and Ammianus (17, 7, 6), mentions the compliment paid by Constantius II. to his empress Eusebia, by naming a “Diocese” of the Empire after her. ↩
πρόεδρος. Cf. Thuc. iii. 25. The πρυτάνεις in office in the Athenian ἐκκλησία were so called. In our author a common synonym for Bishop. προεδρια = sedes = see. ↩
Kirchengeschichte (BKV)
15. Schreiben des Kaisers Konstantin betreffs der Erbauung von Kirchen
„Konstantin, der Siegreiche, Großmächtige, Erhabene, dem Eusebius1.
S. 60 Da bis auf die gegenwärtige Zeit unheilige Bestrebungen und tyrannische Gewalt die Diener des göttlichen Erlösers verfolgten, so glaube ich, geliebtester Bruder, und habe ich mich genau davon überzeugt, daß bei allen Kirchen das Bauwerk entweder durch Sorglosigkeit in schlechten Zustand geraten oder aus Furcht vor der drohenden Ungerechtigkeit minder würdevoll ausgeführt worden ist. Nachdem aber jetzt die Freiheit gewährt und durch des höchsten Gottes Fürsorge und unsere Mitwirkung jener Drache von der Regierung des Staates entfernt worden ist, so glaube ich, daß nunmehr die göttliche Macht allen offenbar geworden ist und daß diejenigen, die entweder in Furcht oder im Unglauben oder in irgendwelchen Irrtümern befangen waren, nunmehr den wahrhaft Seienden erkennen und zu einer wahren und richtigen Ordnung ihres Lebens gelangen werden. Betreffs all der Kirchen nun, denen Du entweder selbst vorstehst oder denen in den einzelnen Orten nach Deinem Wissen andere Bischöfe und Priester oder Diakonen vorstehen, lasse die Mahnung ergehen, daß man für die Gebäulichkeiten der Kirche Sorge trage, daß man die vorhandenen Bauten ausbessere oder vergrößere oder da, wo das Bedürfnis es erheischt, neue aufführe. Dazu wirst Du Selbst und durch Deine Vermittlung die anderen das Nötige von den Statthaltern und der Provinzialbehörde fordern. Diese sind angewiesen, den Wünschen Deiner Heiligkeit mit allem Eifer nachzukommen. Gott möge Dich, geliebter Bruder, in seinen Schutz nehmen!“
Dieses also schrieb er in Betreff der Erbauung der Kirchen an die Bischöfe der einzelnen Provinzen. Was er dagegen in Betreff der Anfertigung der heiligen Bücher an den palästinensischen Eusebius schrieb, kann man wiederum aus dem Briefe selbst ersehen.
Vgl. Euseb. Vita Const. II, 46. ↩