La cité de dieu
Plusieurs historiens estiment que ce fut en ce temps que parut la sibylle d’Erythra. On sait qu’il y a eu plusieurs sibylles, selon Varron. Celle-ci a fait sur Jésus-Christ des prédictions très-claires que nous avons d’abord lues en vers d’une mauvaise latinité et se tenant à peine sur leurs pieds, ouvrage de je ne sais quel traducteur maladroit, ainsi que nous l’avons appris depuis. Car le proconsul Flaccianus1, homme éminent par l’étendue de son savoir et la facilité de son éloquence, nous montra, un jour que nous nous entretenions ensemble de Jésus-Christ, l’exemplaire grec qui a servi à cette mauvaise traduction. Or, il nous fit en même temps remarquer un certain passage, où en réunissant les premières lettres de chaque vers, on forme ces mots : Iesous Kreistos Theou Uios Soter, c’est-à-dire
Jésus-Christ, fils de Dieu, Sauveur2. Or, voici le sens de ces vers, d’après une autre traduction latine, meilleure et plus régulière :
« Aux approches du jugement, la terre se couvrira d’une sueur glacée. Le roi immortel viendra du ciel et paraîtra revêtu d’une chair pour juger le monde, et alors les bons et les méchants verront le Dieu tout-puissant accompagné de ses saints. Il jugera les âmes aussi revêtues de leurs corps, et la terre n’aura plus ni beauté ni verdure. Les hommes effrayés laisseront à l’abandon leurs trésors et ce qu’ils avaient de plus précieux. Le feu brûlera la terre, la mer et le ciel, et ouvrira les portes de l’enfer. Les bienheureux jouiront d’une lumière pure et brillante, et les coupables seront la proie des flammes éternelles. Les crimes les plus cachés seront découverts et les consciences mises à nu. Alors il y aura des pleurs et des grincements de dents. Le soleil perdra sa lumière et les étoiles seront éteintes. La lune s’obscurcira, les cieux seront ébranlés sur leurs pôles, et les plus hautes montagnes abattues et égalées aux vallons. Plus rien dans les choses humaines de sublime ni de grand. Toute la machine de l’univers sera détruite, et le feu consumera l’eau des fleuves et des fontaines. Alors on entendra sonner la trompette, et tout retentira de cris et de plaintes. La terre s’ouvrira jusque dans ses abîmes; les rois paraîtront tous devant le tribunal du souverain Juge, et les cieux verseront un fleuve de feu et de soufre3 ».
Ce passage comprend en grec vingt-sept vers, nombre qui compose le cube de trois. Ajoutez à cela que, si l’on joint ensemble les premières lettres de ces cinq mots grecs que nous avons dit signifier Jésus-Christ, Fils de Dieu, Sauveur, on trouvera Ichthus, qui veut dire en grec poisson, nom mystique du Sauveur, parce que lui seul a pu demeurer vivant, c’est-à-dire exempt de péché, au milieu des abîmes de notre mortalité, semblables aux profondeurs de la mer.
D’ailleurs, que ce poëme, dont je n’ai rapporté que quelques vers, soit de la sibylle d’Erythra ou de celle de Cumes, car on n’est pas d’accord là-dessus, toujours est-il certain qu’il ne contient rien qui favorise le culte des faux dieux ; au contraire, il parle en certains endroits si fortement contre eux et contre leurs adorateurs qu’il me semble qu’on peut mettre cette sibylle au nombre des membres de la Cité de Dieu. Lactance a aussi inséré dans ses oeuvres quelques prédictions d’une sibylle (sans dire laquelle) touchant Jésus-Christ, et ces témoignages, qui se trouvent dispersés en divers endroits de son livre, m’ont paru bons à être ici réunis : « Il tombera, dit la sibylle, entre les mains des méchants, qui lui donneront des soufflets et lui cracheront au visage. Pour lui, il présentera sans résistance son dos innocent aux coups de fouet, et il se laissera souffleter sans rien dire, afin que personne ne connaisse quel Verbe il est, ni d’où il vient pour parler aux enfers et être couronné d’épines. Les barbares, pour toute hospitalité, lui ont donné du fiel à manger et du vinaigre à boire. Tu n’as pas reconnu ton Dieu, nation insensée ! ton Dieu qui se joue de la sagesse des hommes; tu l’as couronné d’épines et nourri de fiel. Le voile du temple se rompra, et il y aura de grandes ténèbres en plein jour pendant trois heures. Il mourra et s’endormira durant trois jours. Et puis retournant à la lumière, il montrera aux élus les prémices de la résurrection ».
Voilà les textes sibyllins que Lactance rapporte en plusieurs lieux de ses ouvrages et que nous avons réunis. Quelques auteurs assurent que la sibylle d’Erythra ne vivait pas à l’époque de Romulus, mais pendant la guerre de Troie.
Saint Augustin a parlé de ce Flaccianus dans son livre Contre les Académiciens, livre I, n. 18-21. ↩
On attribuait déjà aux sibylles de ces vers en acrostiches au temps de Cicéron, qui fit remarquer avec une justesse parfaits combien cette forme régulière et travaillée a peu le caractère de l’inspiration. Ce sont là, dit-il, les jeux d’esprit d’un homme de lettres et non les accents d’une âme en délire. Voyez le De divinat., lib. II, cap. 54. ↩
On trouvera le texte grec de ces vers sibyllins dans la dernière édition de saint Augustin, tome VII, p. 807. ↩
Voyez Lactance, Instit., lib. IV, cap. 18 et 19. ↩
The City of God
Chapter 23.--Of the Erythraean Sibyl, Who is Known to Have Sung Many Things About Christ More Plainly Than the Other Sibyls. 1
Some say the Erythraean sibyl prophesied at this time. Now Varro declares there were many sibyls, and not merely one. This sibyl of Erythrae certainly wrote some things concerning Christ which are quite manifest, and we first read them in the Latin tongue in verses of bad Latin, and unrhythmical, through the unskillfulness, as we afterwards learned, of some interpreter unknown to me. For Flaccianus, a very famous man, who was also a proconsul, a man of most ready eloquence and much learning, when we were speaking about Christ, produced a Greek manuscript, saying that it was the prophecies of the Erythraean sibyl, in which he pointed out a certain passage which had the initial letters of the lines so arranged that these words could be read in them: 'Iesous Christos Theou uios soter, which means, "Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Saviour." And these verses, of which the initial letters yield that meaning, contain what follows as translated by some one into Latin in good rhythm:
I Judgment shall moisten the earth with the sweat of its standard,
E Ever enduring, behold the King shall come through the ages,
S Sent to be here in the flesh, and Judge at the last of the world.
O O God, the believing and faithless alike shall behold Thee
U Uplifted with saints, when at last the ages are ended.
S Seated before Him are souls in the flesh for His judgment.
Ch Hid in thick vapors, the while desolate lieth the earth.
R Rejected by men are the idols and long hidden treasures;
E Earth is consumed by the fire, and it searcheth the ocean and heaven;
I Issuing forth, it destroyeth the terrible portals of hell.
S Saints in their body and soul freedom and light shall inherit;
T Those who are guilty shall burn in fire and brimstone for ever.
O Occult actions revealing, each one shall publish his secrets;
S Secrets of every man's heart God shall reveal in the light.
Th Then shall be weeping and wailing, yea, and gnashing of teeth;
E Eclipsed is the sun, and silenced the stars in their chorus.
O Over and gone is the splendor of moonlight, melted the heaven,
U Uplifted by Him are the valleys, and cast down the mountains.
U Utterly gone among men are distinctions of lofty and lowly.
I Into the plains rush the hills, the skies and oceans are mingled.
O Oh, what an end of all things! earth broken in pieces shall perish;
S . . . . Swelling together at once shall the waters and flames flow in rivers.
S Sounding the archangel's trumpet shall peal down from heaven,
O Over the wicked who groan in their guilt and their manifold sorrows.
T Trembling, the earth shall be opened, revealing chaos and hell.
E Every king before God shall stand in that day to be judged.
R Rivers of fire and brimstone shall fall from the heavens.
In these Latin verses the meaning of the Greek is correctly given, although not in the exact order of the lines as connected with the initial letters; for in three of them, the fifth, eighteenth, and nineteenth, where the Greek letter U occurs, Latin words could not be found beginning with the corresponding letter, and yielding a suitable meaning. So that, if we note down together the initial letters of all the lines in our Latin translation except those three in which we retain the letter U in the proper place, they will express in five Greek words this meaning, "Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Saviour." And the verses are twenty-seven, which is the cube of three. For three times three are nine; and nine itself, if tripled, so as to rise from the superficial square to the cube, comes to twenty-seven. But if you join the initial letters of these five Greek words, 'Iesous Christos Theou uios soter, which mean, "Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Saviour," they will make the word ichdus, that is, "fish," in which word Christ is mystically understood, because He was able to live, that is, to exist, without sin in the abyss of this mortality as in the depth of waters. 2
But this sibyl, whether she is the Erythraean, or, as some rather believe, the Cumaean, in her whole poem, of which this is a very small portion, not only has nothing that can relate to the worship of the false or feigned gods, but rather speaks against them and their worshippers in such a way that we might even think she ought to be reckoned among those who belong to the city of God. Lactantius also inserted in his work the prophecies about Christ of a certain sibyl, he does not say which. But I have thought fit to combine in a single extract, which may seem long, what he has set down in many short quotations. She says, "Afterward He shall come into the injurious hands of the unbelieving, and they will give God buffets with profane hands, and with impure mouth will spit out envenomed spittle; but He will with simplicity yield His holy back to stripes. And He will hold His peace when struck with the fist, that no one may find out what word, or whence, He comes to speak to hell; and He shall be crowned with a crown of thorns. And they gave Him gall for meat, and vinegar for His thirst: they will spread this table of inhospitality. For thou thyself, being foolish, hast not understood thy God, deluding the minds of mortals, but hast both crowned Him with thorns and mingled for Him bitter gall. But the veil of the temple shall be rent; and at midday it shall be darker than night for three hours. And He shall die the death, taking sleep for three days; and then returning from hell, He first shall come to the light, the beginning of the resurrection being shown to the recalled." Lactantius made use of these sibylline testimonies, introducing them bit by bit in the course of his discussion as the things he intended to prove seemed to require, and we have set them down in one connected series, uninterrupted by comment, only taking care to mark them by capitals, if only the transcribers do not neglect to preserve them hereafter. Some writers, indeed, say that the Erythraean sibyl was not in the time of Romulus, but of the Trojan war.
33, pp. 700 sqq., Engl. transl. (Hist. of the Jews in the times of Jesus. Edinburgh and New York, 1886), vol. iii. 271 sqq.--P.S.]
The Sibylline Oracles are a collection of prophecies and religious teachings in Greek hexameter under the assumed authority and inspiration of a Sibyl, i.e., a female prophet. They are partly of heathen, partly of Jewish-Christian origin. They were used by the fathers against the heathen as genuine prophecies without critical discrimination, and they appear also in the famous Dies irae alongside with David as witnesses of the future judgment ("teste David cum Sibylla.") They were edited by Alexander, Paris, 2d. ed. 1869, and by Friedlieb (in Greek and German), Leipzig, 1852. Comp. Ewald: Ueber Entstehung, Inhalt und Werth der sibyll. Bücher, 1858, and Schürer, Geschichte der jüd. Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu (Leipzig, 1885), ii. § ↩
[Hence the fish was a favorite symbol of the ancient Christians. See Schaff, Church Hist. (revised ed.), vol. ii. 279 sq.--P.S.] ↩