The City of God
In the five former books, I think I have sufficiently disputed against those who believe that the many false gods, which the Christian truth shows to be useless images, or unclean spirits and pernicious demons, or certainly creatures, not the Creator, are to be worshipped for the advantage of this mortal life, and of terrestrial affairs, with that rite and service which the Greeks call latreia, and which is due to the one true God. And who does not know that, in the face of excessive stupidity and obstinacy, neither these five nor any other number of books whatsoever could be enough, when it is esteemed the glory of vanity to yield to no amount of strength on the side of truth,--certainly to his destruction over whom so heinous a vice tyrannizes? For, notwithstanding all the assiduity of the physician who attempts to effect a cure, the disease remains unconquered, not through any fault of his, but because of the incurableness of the sick man. But those who thoroughly weigh the things which they read, having understood and considered them, without any, or with no great and excessive degree of that obstinacy which belongs to a long-cherished error, will more readily judge that, in the five books already finished, we have done more than the necessity of the question demanded, than that we have given it less discussion than it required. And they cannot have doubted but that all the hatred which the ignorant attempt to bring upon the Christian religion on account of the disasters of this life, and the destruction and change which befall terrestrial things, whilst the learned do not merely dissimulate, but encourage that hatred, contrary to their own consciences, being possessed by a mad impiety;--they cannot have doubted, I say, but that this hatred is devoid of right reflection and reason, and full of most light temerity, and most pernicious animosity.
De civitate Dei (CCSL)
Quinque superioribus libris satis mihi aduersus eos uideor disputasse, qui multos deos et falsos, quos esse inutilia simulacra uel inmundos spiritus et perniciosa daemonia uel certe creaturas, non creatorem ueritas Christiana conuincit, propter uitae huius mortalis rerumque terrenarum utilitatem eo ritu ac seruitute, quae Graece λατρεία dicitur et uni uero deo debetur, uenerandos et colendos putant. et nimiae quidem stultitiae uel pertinaciae nec istos quinque nec ullos alios quanticumque numeri libros satis esse posse quis nesciat, quando ea putatur gloria uanitatis, nullis cedere uiribus ueritatis, in perniciem utique eius, cui uitium tam inmane dominatur. nam et contra omnem curantis industriam non malo medici, sed aegroti insanabilis morbus inuictus est. hi uero, qui ea quae legunt uel sine ulla uel non cum magna ac nimia ueteris erroris obstinatione intellecta et considerata perpendunt, facilius nos isto numero terminatorum quinque uoluminum plus, quam quaestionis ipsius necessitas postulabat, quam minus disseruisse iudicabunt, totamque inuidiam, quam Christianae religioni de huius uitae cladibus terrenarum que contritione ac mutatione rerum inperiti facere conantur, non solum dissimulantibus, sed contra suam conscientiam etiam fauentibus doctis, quos inpietas uesana possedit, omnino esse inanem rectae cogitationis atque rationis plenamque leuissimae temeritatis et perniciosissimae animositatis dubitare non poterunt.