De la mort des persécuteurs de l'église
La mère de ce prince, femme fort superstitieuse, avait une dévotion particulière pour les dieux des montagnes. Il se passait peu de jours qu'elle ne sacrifiât à ces divinités fabuleuses. Ensuite elle donnait des festins à ses domestiques. Les chrétiens évitaient sa table et passaient en prières et en jeûnes le temps que leur maîtresse employait à la bonne chère. Cette conduite l’irrita contre les chrétiens, et ses plaintes continuelles amenèrent son fils, touché de la même superstition, à la perte de ces hommes innocents. Galérius et Dioclétien tinrent durant tout l'hiver des conférences secrètes sur l'exécution de ce dessein. Comme personne n'y était admis, on croyait qu'il s'agissait du salut entier de l'État. Dioclétien résista longtemps au conseil pernicieux qu'on lui donnait; il ne trouvait pas à propos de répandre tant de sang humain, et de troubler la paix de l'empire. Il disait que les chrétiens ne marchaient que trop volontiers à la mort, qu'il suffisait que les officiers de sa maison et les soldats conservassent l'ancienne religion. Toutes ces raisons ne pouvant fléchir l'opiniâtreté de Galérius, ils résolurent de prendre le sentiment de leurs amis sur cette difficulté ; car Dioclétien avait cette coutume de faire le bien tout seul pour s'en attirer le mérite, et le mal avec conseil pour se décharger de la haine. Ils consultèrent donc quelques gens de robe et d'épée. Ceux de la plus grande dignité parlèrent les premiers. Quelques-uns, poussés d'une animosité particulière contre les chrétiens, dirent qu'il fallait exterminer ces ennemis des dieux et de la religion dominante. Les autres, ayant découvert le sentiment du prince, ne manquèrent pas de s'y ranger, ou par crainte ou par flatterie. Tout cela ne put encore obliger Dioclétien de consentir à la ruine des fidèles. Il fallut consulter les dieux, et envoyer à l’oracle d'Apollon Milésien. Il répondit comme un ennemi véritable du culte divin. Ainsi l'empereur fut contraint de céder. Et comme il ne pouvait résister à ses amis, à César et à Apollon, il commanda au moins que les choses se passassent sans effusion de sang; car Galérius voulait que l’on brûlât tout vifs ceux qui refuseraient de sacrifier aux idoles.
Of the Manner in Which the Persecutors Died
Chap. XI.
The mother of Galerius, a woman exceedingly superstitious, was a votary of the gods of the mountains. Being of such a character, she made sacrifices almost every day, and she feasted her servants on the meat offered to idols: but the Christians of her family would not partake of those entertainments; and while she feasted with the Gentiles, they continued in fasting and prayer. On this account she conceived ill-will against the Christians, and by woman-like complaints instigated her son, no less superstitious than herself, to destroy them. So, during the whole winter, Diocletian and Galerius held councils together, at which no one else assisted; and it was the universal opinion that their conferences respected the most momentous affairs of the empire. The old man long opposed the fury of Galerius, and showed how pernicious it would be to raise disturbances throughout the world and to shed so much blood; that the Christians were wont with eagerness to meet death; and that it would be enough for him to exclude persons of that religion from the court 1 and the army. Yet he could not restrain the madness of that obstinate man. He resolved, therefore, to take the opinion of his friends. Now this was a circumstance in the bad disposition of Diocletian, that whenever he determined to do good, he did it without advice, that the praise might be all his own; but whenever he determined to do ill, which he was sensible would be blamed, he called in many advisers, that his own fault might be imputed to other men: and therefore a few civil magistrates, and a few military commanders, were admitted to give their counsel; and the question was put to them according to priority of rank. Some, through personal ill-will towards the Christians, were of opinion that they ought to be cut off, as enemies of the gods and adversaries of the established religious ceremonies. Others thought differently, but, having understood the will of Galerius, they, either from dread of displeasing or from a desire of gratifying him, concurred in the opinion given against the Christians. Yet not even then could the emperor be prevailed upon to yield his assent. He determined above all to consult his gods; and to that end he despatched a soothsayer to inquire of Apollo at Miletus, whose answer was such as might be expected from an enemy of the divine religion. So Diocletian was drawn over from his purpose. But although he could struggle no longer against his friends, and against Caesar and Apollo, yet still he attempted to observe such moderation as to command the business to be carried through without bloodshed; whereas Galerius would have had all persons burnt alive who refused to sacrifice.
[A just statement of Diocletian's earlier disposition. See. vol. vi. [183]p. 158, the beautiful letter of Theonas.] ↩