De la mort des persécuteurs de l'église
Il se retira encore dans les Gaules, où, après avoir demeuré quelque temps, il alla trouver Galérius dans la Pannonie, sous prétexte de conférer avec lui des affaires de l'empire, mais en effet, pour s'en défaire et s'emparer du bien d'autrui après avoir perdu le sien. Galérius avait depuis peu fait venir à sa cour Dioclès ou Dioclétien, son beau père, afin d'autoriser par sa présence le choix qu'il avait fait de Licinius pour le substituer à la place de Sévère. Dioclétien et le vieux Maximien assistèrent à cette action. Il y eut donc alors six personnes qui portaient le nom d'empereurs. Maximien, frustré de son espérance, se prépare à une troisième fuite. Il se rend encore une fois dans les Gaules avec des desseins pernicieux. Il songeait, malgré l'affinité, à surprendre Constantin; et pour lui tendre le piège plus adroitement, il quitta les ornements impériaux. Les Francs avaient pris les armes. Ce rusé vieillard persuade à Constantin de séparer son armée et de n'en prendre qu'une partie, et lui dit qu'il ne fallait pas de si grandes forces pour dissiper ces barbares. Ce conseil tendait à deux fins: l'une, de se rendre maître d'une armée, et l'autre, de faciliter aux Francs la défaite de Constantin. Ce jeune prince suit l'avis d'un beau-père, d'un homme d'âge et d'expérience. Il marche contre les Francs avec une partie de ses troupes. Quelques jours s'étant passés, comme ce perfide jugea que Constantin pouvait être entré dans le pays ennemi, tout à coup il prend la pourpre, se saisit des trésors de son gendre, fait à son ordinaire de grandes profusions, et invente mille faussetés contre Constantin. On porte ces nouvelles à l'empereur, il accourt avec son armée. Maximien, n'ayant pas eu le temps de se préparer, est surpris parla diligence de son ennemi, et les soldait rentrent dans le devoir. Ce révolté s'était saisi de Marseille, et en avait fait fermer les portes. L'empereur en approche : Maximien était sur la muraille, Constantin lui parle, mais sans emportement, sans colère, lui demande quel était son dessein, quel sujet de mécontentent on pouvait lui avoir donné, pourquoi il s'était engagé dans une entreprise qui lui faisait honte. Ce furieux ne lui répond que par des injures. Cependant les portes de Marseille s'ouvrent, et on y reçoit l'armée victorieuse. On traîne devant l'empereur un empereur rebelle, un père impie, un infidèle beau-père. On lui met ses crimes devant les yeux, on le dépouille de la pourpre : on lui pardonne pourtant, mais non sans lui faire plusieurs reproches.
Of the Manner in Which the Persecutors Died
Chap. XXIX.
Then Maximian returned into Gaul; and after having made some stay in those quarters, he went to Galerius, the enemy of his son, that they might confer together, as he pretended, about the settlement of the commonweal; but his true purpose was, under colour of reconciliation, to find an opportunity of murdering Galerius, and of seizing his share of the empire, instead of his own, from which he had been everywhere excluded.
Diocles was at the court of Galerius when Maximian arrived; for Galerius, meaning now to invest Licinius with the ensigns of supreme power in the room of Severus, had lately sent for Diocles to be present at the solemnity. So it was performed in presence both of him and of Maximian; and thus there were six who ruled the empire at one and the same time. 1
Now the designs of Maximian having been frustrated, he took flight, as he had done twice before, and returned into Gaul, with a heart full of wickedness, and intending by treacherous devices to overreach Constantine, who was not only his own son-in-law, but also the child of his son-in-law; and that he might the more successfully deceive, he laid aside the imperial purple. The Franks had taken up arms. Maximian advised the unsuspecting Constantine not to lead all his troops against them, and he said that a few soldiers would suffice to subdue those barbarians. He gave this advice that an army might be left for him to win over to himself, and that Constantine, by reason of his scanty forces, might be overpowered. The young prince believed the advice to be judicious, because given by an aged and experienced commander; and he followed it, because given by a father-in-law. He marched, leaving the most considerable part of his forces behind. Maximian waited a few days; and as soon as, by his calculation, Constantine had entered the territory of the barbarians, he suddenly resumed the imperial purple, seized the public treasures, after his wont made ample donatives to the soldiery, and feigned that such disasters had befallen Constantine as soon after befell himself. Constantine was presently informed of those events, and, by marches astonishingly rapid, he flew back with his army. Maximian, not yet prepared to oppose him, was overpowered at unawares, and the soldiers returned to their duty. Maximian had possessed himself of Marseilles (he fled thither), and shut the gates. Constantine drew nigh, and seeing Maximian on the walls, addressed him in no harsh or hostile language, and demanded what he meant, and what it was that he wanted, and why he had acted in a way so peculiarly unbecoming him. But Maximian from the walls incessantly uttered abuse and curses against Constantine. Then, of a sudden, the gates on the opposite side having been unbarred, the besiegers were admitted into the city. The rebel emperor, and unnatural parent and a perfidious father-in-law, was dragged into the presence of Constantine, heard a recital made of his crimes, was divested of his imperial robe, and, after this reprimand, obtained his life.
[See pp. [188]303 (cap. vii.) and 308, at note 1, supra.] ↩