De la mort des persécuteurs de l'église
On publia cet édit à Nicomédie, le trentième jour d'avril, Galérius étant consul pour la huitième fois, et Maximin pour la seconde. Les prisons furent ouvertes. Ce fut alors, mon cher Donat, que vous recouvrâtes la liberté après une captivité de six années. Dieu ne fut pourtant point touché du repentir de Galérius. Car peu de jours après, ayant recommandé sa femme et ses enfants à Licinius, tout son corps étant réduit en pourriture, il expira. Sa mort fut aussitôt divulguée dans Nicomédie, où le premier mars suivant il devait solenniser les Vicennales.
Of the Manner in Which the Persecutors Died
Chap. XXXV.
This edict was promulgated at Nicomedia on the day preceding the kalends of May, 1 in the eighth consulship of Galerius, and the second of Maximin Daia. Then the prison-gates having been thrown open, you, my best beloved Donatus, 2 together with the other confessors for the faith, were set at liberty from a jail, which had been your residence for six years. Galerius, however, did not, by publication of this edict, obtain the divine forgiveness. In a few days after he was consumed by the horrible disease that had brought on an universal putrefaction. Dying, he recommended his wife and son to Licinius, and delivered them over into his hands. This event was known at Nicomedia before the end of the month. 3 His vicennial anniversary was to have been celebrated on the ensuing kalends of March. 4