De la mort des persécuteurs de l'église
Valéria, déguisée, après avoir erré en plusieurs provinces l'espace de quinze mois, fut enfin reconnue et prise avec sa mère à Thessalonique, et toutes deux furent condamnées à la mort. On les mena au supplice en grand appareil ; personne ne pouvait refuser des larmes au malheur de deux dames d'une condition si élevée. On leur coupa la tête et on jeta leurs corps dans la mer. Ainsi leur vertu et leur condition fut cause de leur ruine.
Of the Manner in Which the Persecutors Died
Chap. LI.
Valeria, too, who for fifteen months had wandered under a mean garb from province to province, was at length discovered in Thessalonica, was apprehended, together with her mother Prisca, and suffered capital punishment. Both the ladies were conducted to execution; a fall from grandeur which moved the pity of the multitude of beholders that the strange sight had gathered together. They were beheaded, and their bodies cast into the sea. Thus the chaste demeanour of Valeria, and the high rank of her and her mother, proved fatal to both of them. 1
[See cap. 39, [192]p. 317, supra.] ↩