De mortibus persecutorum
[1] Iam decimus et octavus annus agebatur, cum percussit eum deus insanabili plaga. Nascitur ei ulcus malum in inferiori parte genitalium serpitque latius. [2] Medici secant curant. Sed inducta iam cicatrice scinditur vulnus et rupta vena fluit sanguis usque ad periculum mortis, vix tamen cruor sistitur. Nova ex integro cura. Tandem perducitur ad cicatricem. [3] Rursus levi corporis m‹otu v›ulneratur; plus sanguinis quam ante decurrit. Albescit ipse atque absumptis viribus tenua tur, et tunc quidem rivus cruoris inhibetur. [4] Incipit vulnus non sentire medicinam; proxima quaeque cancer invadit et quanto magis circumsecatur, latius saevit. Quanto curatur, increscit.
cessere magistri.
Phillyrides Chiron Amythaoniusque Melampus.
(Verg. Georg. 3, 549/50)
Undique medici nobiles trahuntur; nihil humanae manus promovent. [5] Confugitur ad idola: Apol lo et Asclepius orantur, remedium flagitatur. Dat Apollo curam; malum multo peius augetur. [6] Iam non longe pernicies aberat et inferiora omnia corripuerat. Conputrescunt forinsecus viscera et in tabem sedes tota dilabitur. Non desinunt tamen infelices medici vel sine spe vincendi mali fovere curare. [7] Repercussum medullis malum recidit introrsus et interna comprehendit, vermes intus creantur. Odor it non modo per palatium, sed totam civitatem pervadit. Nec mirum, cum iam confusi essent exitus stercoris et urinae. [8] Comestur a vermibus et in putredinem corpus cum intolerandis dorolibus solvitur.
Clamores simul horrendos ad sidera tollit,
quales mugitus, fugit ‹cum› saucius ‹aram›
(Verg. Aen. 2, 222/24)
[9] Adponebantur ad sedem fluentem cocta et calida animalia, ut vermiculos eliceret calor. Quis resolutis inaestimabile scatebat examen et tamen multo maiorem copiam tabescendorum viscerum pernicies fecunda generaverat. [10] Iam diverso malo partes corporis amiserant speciem. Superior usque ad vulnus aruerat et miserabili macie cutis lurida longe inter ossa consederat, inferior sine ulla pedum forma in utrium modum inflata discreverat. [11] Et haec facta sunt per annum perpe tem, cum tandem malis domitus deum coactus est confiteri. Novi doloris urgentis per intervalla exclamat se restituturum dei templum satisque pro scelere facturum. Et iam deficiens edictum misit huiusmodi:
Of the Manner in Which the Persecutors Died
And now, when Galerius was in the eighteenth year of his reign, God struck him with an incurable plague. A malignant ulcer formed itself low down in his secret parts, and spread by degrees. The physicians attempted to eradicate it, and healed up the place affected. But the sore, after having been skinned over, broke out again; a vein burst, and the blood flowed in such quantity as to endanger his life. The blood, however, was stopped, although with difficulty. The physicians had to undertake their operations anew, and at length they cicatrized the wound. In consequence of some slight motion of his body, Galerius received a hurt, and the blood streamed more abundantly than before. He grew emaciated, pallid, and feeble, and the bleeding then stanched. The ulcer began to be insensible to the remedies applied, and a gangrene seized all the neighbouring parts. It diffused itself the wider the more the corrupted flesh was cut away, and everything employed as the means of cure served but to aggravate the disease.
"The masters of the healing art withdrew."
Then famous physicians were brought in from all quarters; but no human means had any success. Apollo and Aesculapius were besought importunately for remedies: Apollo did prescribe, and the distemper augmented. Already approaching to its deadly crisis, it had occupied the lower regions of his body: his bowels came out, and his whole seat putrefied. The luckless physicians, although without hope of overcoming the malady, ceased not to apply fomentations and administer medicines. The humours having been repelled, the distemper attacked his intestines, and worms were generated in his body. The stench was so foul as to pervade not only the palace, but even the whole city; and no wonder, for by that time the passages from his bladder and bowels, having been devoured by the worms, became indiscriminate, and his body, with intolerable anguish, was dissolved into one mass of corruption. 1
"Stung to the soul, he bellowed with the pain,
So roars the wounded bull."--Pitt
They applied warm flesh of animals to the chief seat of the disease, that the warmth might draw out those minute worms; and accordingly, when the dressings were removed, there issued forth an innumerable swarm: nevertheless the prolific disease had hatched swarms much more abundant to prey upon and consume his intestines. Already, through a complication of distempers, the different parts of his body had lost their natural form: the superior part was dry, meagre, and haggard, and his ghastly-looking skin had settled itself deep amongst his bones while the inferior, distended like bladders, retained no appearance of joints. These things happened in the course of a complete year; and at length, overcome by calamities, he was obliged to acknowledge God, and he cried aloud, in the intervals of raging pain, that he would re-edify the Church which he had demolished, and make atonement for his misdeeds; and when he was near his end, he published an edict of the tenor following:--
[Acts xii. 23.] ↩