Of the Manner in Which the Persecutors Died
Chap. XX.
Galerius having effected the expulsion of the two old men, began to consider himself alone as the sovereign of the Roman empire. Necessity had required the appointment of Constantius to the first rank; but Galerius made small account of one who was of an easy temper, and of health declining and precarious. He looked for the speedy death of Constantius. And although that prince should recover, it seemed not difficult to force him to put off the imperial purple; for what else could he do, if pressed by his three colleagues to abdicate? Galerius had Licinius ever about his person, his old and intimate acquaintance, and his earliest companion in arms, whose counsels he used in the management of all affairs; yet he would not nominate Licinius to the dignity of Caesar, with the title of son, for he purposed to nominate him, in the room of Constantius, to the dignity of emperor, with the title of brother, while he himself might hold sovereign authority, and rule over the whole globe with unbounded licence. After that, he meant to have solemnized the vicennial festival; to have conferred on his son Candidianus, then a boy of nine years of age, the office of Caesar; and, in conclusion, to have resigned, as Diocletian had done. And thus, Licinius and Severus being emperors, and Maximin and Candidianus in the next station of Caesars, he fancied that, environed as it were by an impregnable wall, he should lead an old age of security and peace. Such were his projects; but God, whom he had made his adversary, frustrated all those imaginations.
De la mort des persécuteurs de l'église
Après l'abdication de Dioclétien et du vieux Maximien, Galérius se crut maître de l'univers; car bien que Constance dût être considéré comme tenant le premier rang, il n'en faisait point de cas, à cause de sa douceur et de son peu de santé. Il espérait qu'il mourrait bientôt, ou qu'au pis aller il serait facile de lui ôter l'empire: car comment se maintenir contre trois adversaires si puissants? Au reste, il y avait un ancien commerce d'amitié entre Licinius et Galérius. Ce prince prenait les avis de Licinius en toutes choses; il ne le choisit pourtant pas pour être César, afin de n'être pas obligé de l'appeler son fils; il lui réservait le nom de frère et d’Auguste après qu'il l'aurait mis en la place de Constance. C'était bien alors qu'il se promettait la domination de l'univers, et après l'avoir gouverné à sa fantaisie, de solenniser les Vicennales, de créer César son fils qui n'avait alors que neuf ans, et ensuite de quitter la pourpre à l'exemple de Dioclétien. Ainsi l'empire étant entre les mains de Licinius et de Sévère, Maximien et Candidianus[^10] étant honorés du titre de Césars, il se croyait environné d'une forteresse inexpugnable, et espérait passer sûrement et tranquillement sa vieillesse: voilà ses desseins. Mais Dieu qu'il avait irrité renversa tous ses projets.