On the Resurrection of the Flesh
Chapter XXIX.--Ezekiel's Vision of the Dry Bones Quoted.
Inasmuch, then, as even the figurative portions of Scripture, and the arguments of facts, and some plain statements of Holy Writ, throw light upon the resurrection of the flesh (although without specially naming the very substance), how much more effectual for determining the question will not those passages be which indicate the actual substance of the body by expressly mentioning it! Take Ezekiel: "And the hand of the Lord," says he, "was upon me; and the Lord brought me forth in the Spirit, and set me in the midst of a plain which was full of bones; and He led me round about them in a circuit: and, behold, there were many on the face of the plain; and, lo, they were very dry. And He said unto me, Son of man, will these bones live? And I said, O Lord God, Thou knowest. And He said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones; and thou shalt say, Ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord God to these bones, Behold, I bring upon you the breath of life, and ye shall live: and I will give unto you the spirit, and I will place muscles over you, and I will spread skin upon you; and ye shall live, and shall know that I am the Lord. And I prophesied as the Lord commanded me: and while I prophesy, behold there is a voice, behold also a movement, and bones approached bones. And I saw, and behold sinews and flesh came up over them, and muscles were placed around them; but there was no breath in them. And He said unto me, Prophesy to the wind, son of man, prophesy and say, Thus saith the Lord God, Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe in these dead men, and let them live. So I prophesied to the wind, as He commanded me, and the spirit entered into the bones, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, strong and exceeding many. And the Lord said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. They say themselves, Our bones are become dry, and our hope is perished, and we in them have been violently destroyed. Therefore prophesy unto them, (and say), Behold, even I will open your sepulchres, and will bring you out of your sepulchres, O my people, and will bring you into the land of Israel: and ye shall know how that I the Lord opened your sepulchres, and brought you, O my people, out of your sepulchres; and I will give my Spirit unto you, and ye shall live, and shall rest in your own land: and ye shall know how that I the Lord have spoken and done these things, saith the Lord." 1
Ezek. xxxvii. 1-14. ↩
De resurrectione carnis
[1] Igitur si et allegoricae scripturae et argumenta rerum et simplices voces resurrectionem carnis quanquam sine nominatione ipsius substantiae obradiant, quanto magis quae hanc spem in ipsas substantias corporales speciali mentione determinant non erunt ducendae in quaestionem? [2] Accipe Ezechielem: Et facta est, inquit, super me manus domini et extulit me in spiritu dominus et posuit me in medio campi: is erat ossibus refertus. [3] Et circumduxit me super ea per circuitum et ecce multa super faciem campi et ecce arida satis. Et ait ad me, Fili hominis, si vivent ossa ista? [4] Et dixi, Adonai domine tu scis. [5] Et ait ad me, Propheta in ossa haec et dices, Ossa arida audite sermonem domini: [6] haec dicit dominus Adonai ossibus istis, Ecce ego adfero in vos spiritum et vivetis, [7] et dabo in vos nervos et reducam in vos carnes et circumdabo in vobis cutem et dabo in vobis spiritum, et vivetis et cognoscetis quod ego dominus. [8] Et prophetavi secundum praeceptum, et ecce vox dum propheto et ecce motus, et accedebant ossa ad ossa: [9] et vidi et ecce super ossa nervi et caro ascendit et circumpositae sunt eis carnes, et spiritus in eis non erat. [10] Et ait ad me, Propheta ad spiritum, fili hominis, propheta et dices ad spiritum, Haec dicit dominus Adonai, A quattuor ventis veni, spiritus, et spira in istis interemptis et vivant. [11] Et prophetavi ad spiritum sicut praecepit mihi, et introivit in ea spiritus et vixerunt et constiterunt super pedes suos, valentia magna satis. [12] Et ait ad me, Fili hominis, ossa ista omnis domus Israelis est: ipsi dicunt, Exaruerunt ossa nostra et periit spes nostra, avulsi sumus in eis: [13] propterea propheta ad eos, Ecce ego patefacio sepulchra vestra et eveham vos de sepulchris vestris, populus meus, et inducam vos in terram Israelis, [14] et cognoscetis quod ego dominus aperuerim sepulchra vestra et eduxerim vos de sepulchris vestris, populus meus, [15] et dabo in vobis spiritum et vivetis et requiescetis in terra vestra, et cognoscetis quod ego dominus locutus sum et fecerim, dicit dominus.