From an Epistle to the Antinoites
(Epistula ad Antionitas)
II. From an Epistle to the Antinoites. 1
Narcissus salutes you, who held the episcopate in this district before me, who is now also my colleague and competitor in prayer for you, 2 and who, having now attained to 3 his hundred and tenth year, unites with me in exhorting you to be of one mind. 4
In Euseb., Hist. Eccles., book vi. ch. xi. ↩
sunexetazomenos moi dia ton euchon. Jerome renders it: Salutat vos Narcissus, qui ante me hic tenuit episcopalem locum et nunc mecum eundem orationibus regit. ↩
enukos. ↩
The text gives homoios emoi phronesai. Several of the codices and also Nicephorus give the better reading, homoios emoi homophronesai, which is confirmed by the interpretations of Rufinus and Jerome. ↩