Petavius, to whom the translator refers his readers, may be trusted in points where he has no theory of his own to sustain, but must always be accepted with caution. The Greek Fathers in this very series, from Justin 1 onward, enable us to put the later terminology to the test of earlier exposition (see examples in the notes to the Praxeas of Tertullian, and consult Dr. Holmes' valuable note embodied in my elucidations). 2 We may go back to Theophilus for the distinction between the endiathetos and the prophorikos , the immanent and the uttered Word. 3 Compare Tertullian, also, against Marcion. 4 Evidences, therefore, are abundant and archaic, indeed, to prove that the Ante-Nicene Fathers, with those of the Nicene and the Post-Nicene periods, were of one mind, and virtually of one voice.