The Church History of Eusebius
Chapter XXVIII.--The Illustrious Bishops of that Time.
1. Of these, the most eminent were Firmilianus, 1 bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia; the brothers Gregory 2 and Athenodorus, pastors of the churches in Pontus; Helenus 3 of the parish of Tarsus, and Nicomas 4 of Iconium; moreover, Hymenaeus, 5 of the church of Jerusalem, and Theotecnus 6 of the neighboring church of Caesarea; and besides these Maximus, 7 who presided in a distinguished manner over the brethren in Bostra. If any should count them up he could not fail to note a great many others, besides presbyters and deacons, who were at that time assembled for the same cause in the above-mentioned city. 8 But these were the most illustrious.
2. When all of these assembled at different times and frequently to consider these matters, the arguments and questions were discussed at every meeting; the adherents of the Samosatian endeavoring to cover and conceal his heterodoxy, and the others striving zealously to lay bare and make manifest his heresy and blasphemy against Christ.
3. Meanwhile, Dionysius died in the twelfth year of the reign of Gallienus, 9 having held the episcopate of Alexandria for seventeen years, and Maximus 10 succeeded him.
4. Gallienus after a reign of fifteen years 11 was succeeded by Claudius, 12 who in two years delivered the government to Aurelian.
On Firmilianus, see Bk. VI. chap. 26, note 3. ↩
Gregory Thaumaturgus. On him and his brother, Athenodorus, see Bk. VI. chap. 30, notes 1 and 2. ↩
On Helenus, see Bk. VI. chap. 46, note 8. He presided at the final council which deposed Paul of Samosata, according to the Libellus Synodicus (see Labbe, Concilia, I. 893, 901), and this is confirmed by the fact that in the encyclical epistle written by this synod his name stands first (see chap. 30). ↩
Of Nicomas, bishop of Iconium in Lycaonia, we know nothing. An earlier bishop of the same city, named Celsus, is mentioned in Book VI. chap. 19, above. ↩
On Hymenaeus, see chap. 14, note 11. ↩
On Theotecnus, see chap. 14, note 9. ↩
Of Maximus, bishop of Bostra, in Arabia, we know nothing. On Beryllus, an earlier and more celebrated bishop of the same city, see above, Bk. VI. chap. 33. ↩
i.e. Antioch. ↩
In both versions of the Chron. the death of Dionysius is put in the eleventh year of Gallienus, i.e. August, 263, to August, 264, and this, or the date given here by Eusebius (the twelfth year, August, 264, to August, 265) is undoubtedly correct. Upon the dates of his accession and death, see Bk. VI. chap. 40, note 1. ↩
Maximus had been a presbyter while Dionysius was bishop of Alexandria, and had shared with him the hardships of the Decian and Valerian persecutions (see above, chap. 11). In chap. 32, he is said to have held office eighteen years, and with this both versions of the Chron. agree, and there is no reason to doubt the accuracy of the report. ↩
Eusebius here, as in his Chron., reckons the reign of Gallienus as beginning with the date of his association with his father in the supreme power; i.e. August, 253. ↩
Claudius became emperor in March, 268, and died of an epidemic in Sirmium some time in the year 270, when he was succeeded by Aurelian, whom he had himself appointed his successor just before his death. It is, perhaps, with this in mind that Eusebius uses the somewhat peculiar phrase, metadidosi ten hegemonian ↩
Histoire ecclésiastique
[1] Les plus distingués d'entre eux étaient : Firmilien, évêque de Césarée en Cappadoce; Grégoire et Athénodore son frère, pasteurs des églises du Pont; puis Hélénus, évêque de l'église de Tarse ; Nicomas, de celle d'Iconium; il y avait aussi Hyménée, évêque de l'église de Jérusalem; et Théotecne, évêque de Césarée, l'église voisine de celle-là; à eux s'ajoutait Maxime qui dirigeait lui aussi d'une façon distinguée les frères de Bostra; on ne serait pas embarrassé d'en énumérer un grand nombre d'autres qui s'étaient assemblés dans la ville susdite pour la même cause avec des prêtres et des diacres, mais les plus remarquables d'entre eux étaient ceux-là.
[2] Ils eurent tous, à divers moments, de fréquentes réunions ensemble ; on lit des discours, et des discussions s'élevèrent dans chacune des assemblées. Ceux du parti de Paul s'efforçaient de cacher et de voiler ce qui était de l'hétérodoxie ; les autres, au contraire, s'exerçaient à découvrir et à mettre au jour l'hérésie de Paul et son blasphème contre le Christ, et ils faisaient cela avec zèle.
[3] C'est en ce temps que Denys meurt, la douzième année du règne de Gallien, après avoir présidé à l'église d'Alexandrie dix-sept ans ; Maxime lui succède.1
[4] Gallien avait possédé le pouvoir quinze ans 383 entiers. Claude fut établi son successeur : celui-ci, après avoir vécu deux ans, laisse l'empire à Aurélien.2