Constantini imperatoris oratio ad sanctorum coetum
The Oration of the Emperor Constantine
Bibliographische Angabe
A select library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church. Second Series. Translated into English with prolegomena and explanatory notes. Volumes I-VII. Under the editorial supervision of Philip Schaff, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Church History in the Union Theological Seminary, New York and Henry Wace, D.D., Principal of King's College, London. Volume I: Eusebius Pamphilus: Church History, Life of Constantine, Oration in Praise of Constantine T&T Clark, Edinburgh, 1890. (Translation, Englisch)
CPG 3497
4. Jh.
- The Oration of the Emperor Constantine
- Chapter I.--Preliminary Remarks on the Feast of Easter: and how the Word of God, having conferred Manifold Benefits on Mankind, was betrayed by his Beneficiaries.
- Chapter II.--An Appeal to the Church and to his Hearers to pardon and correct the Errors of His Speech.
- Chapter III.--That God is the Father of the Word, and the Creator of all Things; and that Material Objects could not continue to exist, were their Causes Various.
- Chapter IV.--On the Error of Idolatrous Worship.
- Chapter V.--That Christ, the Son of God, created All Things, and has appointed to Every Thing the Term of its Existence.
- Chapter VI.--The Falsity of the General Opinion respecting Fate is proved by the Consideration of Human Laws, and by the Works of Creation, the Course of which is not Fortuitous, but according to an Orderly Arrangement which evinces the Design of the Creator.
- Chapter VII.--In regard to Things above our Comprehension, we should glorify the Creator's Wisdom, and attribute their Causes to him alone, and not to Chance.
- Chapter VIII.--That God bestows an Abundant Supply of whatever is suited to the Wants of Man, and ministers but sparingly to his Pleasures; in Both Cases with a View to his Advantage.
- Chapter IX.--Of the Philosophers, who fell into Mistaken Notions, and Some of them into Danger, by their Desire of Universal Knowledge.--Also of the Doctrines of Plato.
- Chapter X.--Of those who reject the Doctrines of Philosophers, as well as those of Scripture: and that we ought to believe the Poets in All Things, or disbelieve them in All.
- Chapter XI.--On the Coming of our Lord in the Flesh; its Nature and Cause.
- Chapter XII.--Of those who are Ignorant of this Mystery; and that their Ignorance is Voluntary. The Blessings which await those who know it, especially such as die in the Confession of the Faith.
- Chapter XIII.--That there is a Necessary Difference between Created Things. That the Propensity to Good and Evil depends on the Will of Man; and that, consequently, Judgment is a Necessary and Reasonable Thing.
- Chapter XIV.--That Created Nature differs infinitely from Uncreated Being; to which Man makes the Nearest Approach by a Life of Virtue.
- Chapter XV.--Of the Saviour's Doctrines and Miracles; and the Benefits he confers on those who own Subjection to him.
- Chapter XVI.--The Coming of Christ was predicted by the Prophets; and was ordained to be the Overthrow of Idols and Idolatrous Cities.
- Chapter XVII.--Of the Wisdom of Moses, which was an Object of Imitation to the Wise among Heathen Nations. Also concerning Daniel, and the Three Children.
- Chapter XVIII.--Of the Erythraean Sibyl, who pointed in a Prophetic Acrostic at our Lord and his Passion. The Acrostic is "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour, Cross."
- Chapter XIX.
- Chapter XX.--A Farther Quotation from Virgilius Maro respecting Christ, with its Interpretation, showing that the Mystery was indicated therein darkly, as might be expected from a Poet.
- Chapter XXI.--That these Things cannot have been spoken of a Mere Man: and that Unbelievers, owing to their Ignorance of Religion, know not even the Origin of their own Existence.
- Chapter XXII.--The Emperor thankfully ascribes his Victories and all other Blessings to Christ; and condemns the Conduct of the Tyrant Maximin, the Violence of whose Persecution had enhanced the Glory of Religion.
- Chapter XXIII.--Of Christian Conduct. That God is pleased with those who lead a Life of Virtue: and that we must expect a Judgment and Future Retribution.
- Chapter XXIV.--Of Decius, Valerian, and Aurelian, who experienced a Miserable End in consequence of their Persecution of the Church.
- Chapter XXV.--Of Diocletian, who ignobly abdicated the Imperial Throne, and was terrified by the Dread of Lightning for his Persecution of the Church.
- Chapter XXVI.--The Emperor ascribes his Personal Piety to God; and shows that we are bound to seek Success from God, and attribute it to him; but to consider Mistakes as the Result of our own Negligence.