Tertullian (160-220)
Ad nationes libri II
Ad Nationes
Book I.
[Translated by Dr. Holmes.]
Aux nations
[Traduit par E.-A. de Genoude]
Übersetzungen dieses Werks
Ad Nationes | |
Aux nations |
Kommentare zu diesem Werk
Appendix to "Ad Nationes" |
Alle aufklappen
- Ad Nationes.
- Book I.
- Chapter I. --The Hatred Felt by the Heathen Against the Christians is Unjust, Because Based on Culpable Ignorance.
- Chapter II. --The Heathen Perverted Judgment in the Trial of Christians. They Would Be More Consistent If They Dispensed with All Form of Trial. Tertullian Urges This with Much Indignation.
- Chapter III. --The Great Offence in the Christians Lies in Their Very Name. The Name Vindicated.
- Chapter IV. --The Truth Hated in the Christians; So in Measure Was It, of Old, in Socrates. The Virtues of the Christians.
- Chapter V. --The Inconsistent Life of Any False Christian No More Condemns True Disciples of Christ, Than a Passing Cloud Obscures a Summer Sky.
- Chapter VI. --The Innocence of the Christians Not Compromised by the Iniquitous Laws Which Were Made Against Them.
- Chapter VII. --The Christians Defamed. A Sarcastic Description of Fame; Its Deception and Atrocious Slanders of the Christians Lengthily Described.
- Chapter VIII. --The Calumny Against the Christians Illustrated in the Discovery of Psammetichus. Refutation of the Story.
- Chapter IX. --The Christians are Not the Cause of Public Calamities: There Were Such Troubles Before Christianity.
- Chapter X. --The Christians are Not the Only Contemners of the Gods. Contempt of Them Often Displayed by Heathen Official Persons. Homer Made the Gods Contemptible.
- Chapter XI. --The Absurd Cavil of the Ass's Head Disposed of.
- Chapter XII. --The Charge of Worshipping a Cross. The Heathens Themselves Made Much of Crosses in Sacred Things; Nay, Their Very Idols Were Formed on a Crucial Frame.
- Chapter XIII. --The Charge of Worshipping the Sun Met by a Retort.
- Chapter XIV. --The Vile Calumny About Onocoetes Retorted on the Heathen by Tertullian.
- Chapter XV. --The Charge of Infanticide Retorted on the Heathen.
- Chapter XVI. --Other Charges Repelled by the Same Method. The Story of the Noble Roman Youth and His Parents.
- Chapter XVII. --The Christian Refusal to Swear by the Genius of Caesar. Flippancy and Irreverence Retorted on the Heathen.
- Chapter XVIII. --Christians Charged with an Obstinate Contempt of Death. Instances of the Same are Found Amongst the Heathen.
- Chapter XIX. --If Christians and the Heathen Thus Resemble Each Other, There is Great Difference in the Grounds and Nature of Their Apparently Similar Conduct.
- Chapter XX.--Truth and Reality Pertain to Christians Alone. The Heathen Counselled to Examine and Embrace It.
- Book II.
- Book I.