The Confessions of St. Augustin In Thirteen Books
Chapter I.--He Calls Upon God, and Proposes to Himself to Worship Him.
1. I Call upon Thee, my God, my mercy, who madest me, and who didst not forget me, though forgetful of Thee. I call Thee into 1 my soul, which by the desire which Thou inspirest in it Thou preparest for Thy reception. Do not Thou forsake me calling upon Thee, who didst anticipate me before I called, and didst importunately urge with manifold calls that I should hear Thee from afar, and be converted, and call upon Thee who calledst me. For Thou, O Lord, hast blotted out all my evil deserts, that Thou mightest not repay into my hands wherewith I have fallen from Thee, and Thou hast anticipated all my good deserts, that Thou mightest repay into Thy hands wherewith Thou madest me; because before I was, Thou wast, nor was I [anything] to which Thou mightest grant being. And yet behold, I am, out of Thy goodness, anticipating all this which Thou hast made me, and of which Thou hast made me. For neither hadst Thou stood in need of me, nor am I such a good as to be helpful unto Thee, 2 my Lord and God; not that I may so serve Thee as though Thou wert fatigued in working, or lest Thy power may be less if lacking my assistance nor that, like the land, I may so cultivate Thee that Thou wouldest be uncultivated did I cultivate Thee not but that I may serve and worship Thee, to the end that I may have well-being from Thee; from whom it is that I am one susceptible of well-being.
Caput 1
Invoco te, deus meus, misericordia mea, qui fecisti me et oblitum tui non oblitus es. invoco te in animam meam, quam praeparas ad capiendum te ex desiderio, quod inspirasti: nunc invocantem te ne deseras, qui priusquam invocarem praevenisti, et institisti crebrescens multimodis vocibus, ut audirem de longinquo et converterer, et vocantem me invocarem te. etenim, domine, delevisti omnia mala merita mea, ne retribueres manibus meis, in quibus a te defeci, et praevenisti omnia bona merita mea, ut retribueres manibus tuis, quibus me fecisti, quia et priusquam essem tu eras, nec eram, cui praestares ut essem: et tamen ecce sum ex bonitate tua praeveniente totum hoc, quod me fecisti, et unde me fecisti. neque enim eguisti me, aut ego tale bonum sum, quo tu adiuveris, dominus meus et deus meus, non ut tibi sic serviam, quasi ne fatigeris in agendo, aut ne minor sit potestas tua carens obsequio meo, neque ut sic te colam quasi terram, ut sis incultus, si non te colam: sed ut serviam tibi et colam te, ut de te mihi bene sit, a quo mihi est, ut sim, cui bene sit.