The City of God
Chapter 1.--That the Question of Natural Theology is to Be Discussed with Those Philosophers Who Sought a More Excellent Wisdom.
We shall require to apply our mind with far greater intensity to the present question than was requisite in the solution and unfolding of the questions handled in the preceding books; for it is not with ordinary men, but with philosophers that we must confer concerning the theology which they call natural. For it is not like the fabulous, that is, the theatrical; nor the civil, that is, the urban theology: the one of which displays the crimes of the gods, whilst the other manifests their criminal desires, which demonstrate them to be rather malign demons than gods. It is, we say, with philosophers we have to confer with respect to this theology,--men whose very name, if rendered into Latin, signifies those who profess the love of wisdom. Now, if wisdom is God, who made all things, as is attested by the divine authority and truth, 1 then the philosopher is a lover of God. But since the thing itself, which is called by this name, exists not in all who glory in the name,--for it does not follow, of course, that all who are called philosophers are lovers of true wisdom,--we must needs select from the number of those with whose opinions we have been able to acquaint ourselves by reading, some with whom we may not unworthily engage in the treatment of this question. For I have not in this work undertaken to refute all the vain opinions of the philosophers, but only such as pertain to theology, which Greek word we understand to mean an account or explanation of the divine nature. Nor, again, have I undertaken to refute all the vain theological opinions of all the philosophers, but only of such of them as, agreeing in the belief that there is a divine nature, and that this divine nature is concerned about human affairs, do nevertheless deny that the worship of the one unchangeable God is sufficient for the obtaining of a blessed life after death, as well as at the present time; and hold that, in order to obtain that life, many gods, created, indeed, and appointed to their several spheres by that one God, are to be worshipped. These approach nearer to the truth than even Varro; for, whilst he saw no difficulty in extending natural theology in its entirety even to the world and the soul of the world, these acknowledge God as existing above all that is of the nature of soul, and as the Creator not only of this visible world, which is often called heaven and earth, but also of every soul whatsoever, and as Him who gives blessedness to the rational soul,--of which kind is the human soul,--by participation in His own unchangeable and incorporeal light. There is no one, who has even a slender knowledge of these things, who does not know of the Platonic philosophers, who derive their name from their master Plato. Concerning this Plato, then, I will briefly state such things as I deem necessary to the present question, mentioning beforehand those who preceded him in time in the same department of literature.
Wisdom vii. 24-27. ↩
La cité de dieu
Nous arrivons à une question qui réclame plus que les précédentes toute l’application de notre esprit. Il s’agit de la théologie naturelle, et nous n’avons point affaire ici à des adversaires ordinaires; car la théologie qu’on appelle de ce nom n’a rien à démêler, ni avec la théologie fabuleuse des théâtres, ni avec la théologie civile, l’une qui célèbre les crimes des dieux, l’autre qui dévoile les désirs encore plus criminels de ces dieux ou plutôt de ces démons pleins de malice. Nos adversaires actuels, ce sont les philosophes, c’est-à-dire ceux qui font profession d’aimer la sagesse. Or, si la sagesse est Dieu même, Créateur de toutes choses, comme l’attestent la sainte Ecriture et la vérité, le vrai philosophe es{ celui qui aime Dieu. Toutefois, comme il faut bien distinguer entre le nom et la chose, car quiconque s’appelle philosophe n’est pas amoureux pour cela de la véritable sagesse, je choisirai, parmi ceux dont j’ai pu connaître la doctrine par leurs écrits, les plus dignes d’être discutés. Je n’ai pas entrepris, en effet, de réfuter ici toutes les vaines opinions de tous les philosophes, mais seulement les systèmes qui ont trait à la théologie, c’est-à-dire à la science de la Divinité; et encore, parmi ces systèmes, je ne m’attacherai qu’à ceux des philosophes qui, reconnaissant l’existence de Dieu et sa providence, n’estiment pas néanmoins que le culte d’un Dieu unique et immuable suffise pour obtenir une vie heureuse après la mort, et croient qu’il faut en servir plusieurs, qui tous cependant ont été créés par un seul. Ces philosophes sont déjà très-supérieurs à Varron et plus près que lui de la vérité, celui-ci n’ayant pu étendre la théologie naturelle au-delà du monde ou de l’âme du monde, tandis que, suivant les autres, il y a au-dessus de toute âme un Dieu qui a créé non-seulement le monde visible, appelé ordinairement le ciel et la terre, mais encore toutes les âmes, et qui rend heureuses les âmes raisonnables et intellectuelles, telles que l’âme humaine, en les faisant participer de sa lumière immuable et incorporelle. Personne n’ignore, si peu qu’il ait ouï parler de ces questions, que les philosophes dont je parle sont les platoniciens, ainsi appelés de leur maître Platon. Je vais donc parler de Platon; mais avant de toucher rapidement les points essentiels du sujet, je dirai un mot de ses devanciers.