The Fifteen Books of Aurelius Augustinus, Bishop of Hippo, on the Trinity
Book XIV.
The true wisdom of man is treated of; and it is shown that the image of God, which man is in respect to his mind, is not placed properly in transitory things, as in memory, understanding, and love, whether of faith itself as existing in time, or even of the mind as busied with itself, but in things that are permanent; and that this wisdom is then perfected, when the mind is renewed in the knowledge of God, according to the image of Him who created man after His own Image, and thus attains to wisdom, wherein that which is contemplated is eternal.
De la trinité
Livre XIV
L’image de Dieu ne se trouve pas dans la mémoire, l’intelligence et l’amour, quand ces facultés ont pour objet la foi aux choses du temps, ou les opérations de l’âme sur elle-même , mais quand elles s’appliquent aux choses immuables. Elle est parfaite quand l’âme est renouvelée à la connaissance de Celui qui a créé l’homme à son image, et qu’elle reçoit ainsi la Sagesse où se trouve la contemplation des choses éternelles.