Augustinus von Hippo (354-430)
De Trinitate
The Fifteen Books of Aurelius Augustinus, Bishop of Hippo, on the Trinity
Book II.
Augustin pursues his defense of the equality of the Trinity; and in treating of the sending of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and of the various appearances of God, demonstrates that He who is sent is not therefore less than He who sends, because the one has sent, the other has been sent; but that the Trinity, being in all things equal, and alike in its own nature unchangeable and invisible and omnipresent, works indivisibly in each sending or appearance.

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The Fifteen Books of Aurelius Augustinus, Bishop of Hippo, on the Trinity |
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On the Trinity - Introductory Essay |
Alle aufklappen
- The Fifteen Books of Aurelius Augustinus, Bishop of Hippo, on the Trinity
- Book I.
- Book II.
- Preface.
- Chapter 1.--There is a Double Rule for Understanding the Scriptural Modes of Speech Concerning the Son of God. These Modes of Speech are of a Threefold Kind.
- Chapter 2.--That Some Ways of Speaking Concerning the Son are to Be Understood According to Either Rule.
- Chapter 3.--Some Things Concerning the Holy Spirit are to Be Understood According to the One Rule Only.
- Chapter 4.--The Glorification of the Son by the Father Does Not Prove Inequality.
- Chapter 5.--The Son and Holy Spirit are Not Therefore Less Because Sent. The Son is Sent Also by Himself. Of the Sending of the Holy Spirit.
- Chapter 6.--The Creature is Not So Taken by the Holy Spirit as Flesh is by the Word.
- Chapter 7.--A Doubt Raised About Divine Appearances.
- Chapter 8.--The Entire Trinity Invisible.
- Chapter 9.--Against Those Who Believed the Father Only to Be Immortal and Invisible. The Truth to Be Sought by Peaceful Study.
- Chapter 10--Whether God the Trinity Indiscriminately Appeared to the Fathers, or Any One Person of the Trinity. The Appearing of God to Adam. Of the Same Appearance. The Vision to Abraham.
- Chapter 11.--Of the Same Appearance.
- Chapter 12.--The Appearance to Lot is Examined.
- Chapter 13.--The Appearance in the Bush.
- Chapter 14.--Of the Appearance in the Pillar of Cloud and of Fire.
- Chapter 15.--Of the Appearance on Sinai. Whether the Trinity Spake in that Appearance or Some One Person Specially.
- Chapter 16.--In What Manner Moses Saw God.
- Chapter 17.--How the Back Parts of God Were Seen. The Faith of the Resurrection of Christ. The Catholic Church Only is the Place from Whence the Back Parts of God are Seen. The Back Parts of God Were Seen by the Israelites. It is a Rash Opinion to Think that God the Father Only Was Never Seen by the Fathers.
- Chapter 18.--The Vision of Daniel.
- Book III.
- Book IV.
- Book V.
- Book VI.
- Book VII.
- Book VIII.
- Book IX.
- Book X.
- Book XI.
- Book XII.
- Book XIII.
- Book XIV.
- Book XV.