De la grâce de Jésus-Christ et du péché originel
Saint Augustin prouve que sur la question du péché originel et du baptême des enfants, Pélage enseigne formellement la même doctrine que son disciple Célestius, qui a été solennellement condamné d'abord à Carthage et ensuite à Rome. Cette question, du reste, n'est pas de celles sur lesquelles on puisse errer sans danger pour la foi; on peut même dire que cette erreur s'attaque au fondement de la foi. Enfin, le saint Docteur réfute ceux qui soutiennent que le dogme du péché original est incompatible avec la bonté du mariage, et fait injure à Dieu.
A Treatise on the grace of christ, and on original sin
Book II.
On Original Sin.
Wherein Augustin shows that Pelagius really differs in no respect, on the question of original sin and the baptism of infants, from his follower Coelestius, who, refusing to acknowledge original sin and even daring to deny the doctrine in public, was condemned in trials before the bishops--first at Carthage, and afterwards at Rome; for this question is not, as these heretics would have it, one wherein persons might err without danger to the faith. Their heresy, indeed, aimed at nothing else than the very foundations of Christian belief. He afterwards refutes all such as maintained that the blessing of matrimony is disparaged by the doctrine of original depravity, and an injury done to God himself, the Creator of man who is born by means of matrimony.