Ad Donatum (CSEL)
§ 2
Ceterum quale uel quantum est, quod in pectus tuum ueniat ex nobis, exilis ingenii angusta mediocritas tenues admodum fruges parit, nullis ad copiam fecundi caespitis culminibus ingrauescit, adgrediar tamen facultate, qua ualeo: nam et materia dicendi facit mecum. in iudiciis, [contione] pro rostris opulenta facundia uolubili ambitione iactetur: cum de Domino et de Deo uox est, uocis pura sinceritas non eloquentiae uiribus nititur ad fidei argumenta sedrebus1. denique accipe non diserta, sed fortia, nec ad audientiae popularis inlecebram culto sermone fucata, sed ad diuinam indulgentiam praedicandam rudi ueritate simplicia: accipe quod sentitur, antequam discitur, nec per moras temporum2 longa agnitione colligitur, sed conpendio gratiae maturantis hauritur. 3P. 5
Sic! ↩
temporam ↩
Apparatus: 1 uidemus][^om. v,] quaa oidemiiB [^r] oblectantd P, m. 2 proepectam P n R prospecto M ainoenamaB] amonea men [^м. n] et B [^s. I. m. 2]. animam [^WBMlr, animae P, animanit M,, animum v semul M] 2 auditum [^PM:] pascet [^M] 3 uoluntariae [^B,] uolumptariae [^M] 4 oculos tnos [^WBP lM},] oculus tuus [^Di, f c] fixus es [^W,] fizisses [^B,] flxus est [^PMv; emendaverat iam Bigaltius:] oculos tuos flius es qua ore [^W,] quo more P, quo [^amore B, ...oM=,] tam aure v, tam ore r, quam ore v qua [^TPPAfj B,] quam M,v; qua ore, qua mente [^emendauerat Gronouius (Obseruationum libri quattuor ed. Frotscher, III]. 12. jp. 262) [^super] mente [^posuit m. 2 in Mt: recta] auditor es][^auditoris Mt] 5 et] ex Mt quo] quoditf dilegia P1, deleges [^N,] 6 et ex [^M] 7 exilis] ex illis [^M] ingenii ti P1 8 cespitis [^WP] culmis [^Oxon]. 10 mecum] metum [^Goulartius] in [^AI; 8. t m. 2] indicis Wl, iudicii [^Pr] contione [^WPM,] contentione [^B,] in concione v; [^uocem] uncis [^inclusi] (in iudicii contentione [^uel] conuen. tione [^v)] ne pro rostris opulenta sit facundia neque [^м,; sed] ne sit neque add. m. 2 11 uolubili] nobili [^coni. N. Faber] iactatnr [^M,] cum uero [^scribendum] censuit [^Latinius (bibliotheca sacra p. 174),] cum et P et de deo Pr, de deo [^W,] deo [^3fB] 12 eloquentia [^ex] eloquente [^M, m. 2] 13 accepi [^M] disserta [^PMX] sed] sed nec [^B] 14 ad om. [^PMB] illecebra [^B] fugata [^M'] 16 discitur [^WBM1,] discetur [^M'PI,] discatur P 17 [^collegitur P'M} maturathensauretur M{,] maturantia.. auritur M+ (ntis [^ex corr.)] ↩
Ad Donatum
And yet, of what kind or of what amount is anything that my mind is likely to communicate to yours? The poor mediocrity of my shallow understanding produces a very limited harvest, and enriches the soil with no fruitful deposits. Nevertheless, with such powers as I have, I will set about the matter; for the subject itself on which I am about to speak will assist me. In courts of justice, in the public assembly, in political debate, a copious eloquence may be the glory of a voluble ambition; but in speaking of the Lord God, a chaste simplicity of expression strives for the conviction of faith rather with the substance, than with the powers, of eloquence. Therefore accept from me things, not clever but weighty, words, not decked up to charm a popular audience with cultivated rhetoric, but simple and fitted by their unvarnished truthfulness for the proclamation of the divine mercy. Accept what is felt before it is spoken, what has not been accumulated with tardy painstaking during the lapse of years, but has been inhaled in one breath of ripening grace.