Aristides the Athenian (50-134)
CPG 1062
Translations of this Work
The Apology of Aristides the Philosopher - Translated from the Syriac / The Writings of the Fathers Down to A.D. 325
The Gospel of Peter, The Diatessaron of Tatian, The Apocalypse of Peter, The Vision of Paul, The Apocalypses of the Virgin and Sedrach, The Testament of Abraham, The Acts of Xanthippe and Polyxena, The Narrative of Zosimus, The Apology of Aristides, The Epistles of Clement (complete text), Origen's Commentary on John, Books 1-10, and Commentary on Matthew, Books 1, 2, and 10-14.
Edited by Allan Menzies, D.D., 4th Edition
Reprint of the American Edition originally published in the United States by the Christian Literature Publishing Company, 1896, 1897. 1896
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The Apology of Aristides the Philosopher / The Writings of the Fathers Down to A.D. 325
The Gospel of Peter, The Diatessaron of Tatian, The Apocalypse of Peter, The Vision of Paul, The Apocalypses of the Virgin and Sedrach, The Testament of Abraham, The Acts of Xanthippe and Polyxena, The Narrative of Zosimus, The Apology of Aristides, The Epistles of Clement (complete text), Origen's Commentary on John, Books 1-10, and Commentary on Matthew, Books 1, 2, and 10-14.
Edited by Allan Menzies, D.D., 4th Edition
Reprint of the American Edition originally published in the United States by the Christian Literature Publishing Company, 1896, 1897. 1896
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Apologie (BKV) / Apologie/aus dem Griechischen übersetzt von Dr. Kaspar Julius. In: Frühchristliche Apologeten und Märtyrerakten Band I. (Bibliothek der Kirchenväter, 1. Reihe, Band 12) München 1913, 25-54. 1913
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L'Apologie d'Aristide / L'Apologie d'Aristide
Oeuvre numérisée par Marc Szwajcer
Paris, Imprimerie de Ch. Noblet et Fils, 13, rue cujas, 13, 1892. 1892
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Commentaries for this Work
Einleitung zur Apologie des Aristides / Einleitung zur Apologie des Aristides In: Frühchristliche Apologeten und Märtyrerakten Band I. Aus dem Griechischen und Lateinischen übersetzt von Dr. Kaspar Julius (Aristides); Dr. Gerhard Rauschen (Justin, Diognet); Dr. R.C. Kukula (Tatian); P. Anselm Eberhard (Athenagoras). (Bibliothek der Kirchenväter, 1. Reihe, Band 12) München 1913. 1913
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Introduction - The Apology of Aristides / The Writings of the Fathers Down to A.D. 325
The Gospel of Peter, The Diatessaron of Tatian, The Apocalypse of Peter, The Vision of Paul, The Apocalypses of the Virgin and Sedrach, The Testament of Abraham, The Acts of Xanthippe and Polyxena, The Narrative of Zosimus, The Apology of Aristides, The Epistles of Clement (complete text), Origen's Commentary on John, Books 1-10, and Commentary on Matthew, Books 1, 2, and 10-14.
Edited by Allan Menzies, D.D., 4th Edition
Reprint of the American Edition originally published in the United States by the Christian Literature Publishing Company, 1896, 1897. 1896
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