Clement of Rome (35-99)
Epistula ad Corinthios
The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians
Clement of Rome (35-99)
The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians
(Epistula ad Corinthios)
The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians 1
In the only known ms. of this Epistle, the title is thus given at the close. ↩

Editions of this Work
First Epistle to the Corinthians (Loeb) | Compare |
Translations of this Work
Erster Brief an die Korinther (BKV) | Compare |
The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians | |
The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians | Compare |
Commentaries for this Work
Einleitung zum ersten Klemensbrief | |
Introductory Note to the First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians | |
Introductory Notice - The Epistles of Clement |
- The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians
- Chapter I.--The salutation. Praise of the Corinthians before the breaking forth of schism among them.
- Chapter II.--Praise of the Corinthians continued.
- Chapter III.--The sad state of the Corinthian church after sedition arose in it from envy and emulation.
- Chapter IV.--Many evils have already flowed from this source in ancient times.
- Chapter V.--No less evils have arisen from the same source in the most recent times. The martyrdom of Peter and Paul.
- Chapter VI.--Continuation. Several other martyrs.
- Chapter VII.--An exhortation to repentance.
- Chapter VIII.--Continuation respecting repentance.
- Chapter IX.--Examples of the saints.
- Chapter X.--Continuation of the above.
- Chapter XI.--Continuation. Lot.
- Chapter XII.--The rewards of faith and hospitality. Rahab.
- Chapter XIII.--An exhortation to humility.
- Chapter XIV.--We should obey God rather than the authors of sedition.
- Chapter XV.--We must adhere to those who cultivate peace, not to those who merely pretend to do so.
- Chapter XVI.--Christ as an example of humility.
- Chapter XVII.--The saints as examples of humility.
- Chapter XVIII.--David as an example of humility.
- Chapter XIX.--Imitating these examples, let us seek after peace.
- Chapter XX.--The peace and harmony of the universe.
- Chapter XXI.--Let us obey God, and not the authors of sedition.
- Chapter XXII.--These exhortations are confirmed by the Christian faith, which proclaims the misery of sinful conduct.
- Chapter XXIII.--Be humble, and believe that Christ will come again.
- Chapter XXIV.--God continually shows us in nature that there will be a resurrection.
- Chapter XXV.--The phoenix an emblem of our resurrection.
- Chapter XXVI.--We shall rise again, then, as the Scripture also testifies.
- Chapter XXVII.--In the hope of the resurrection, let us cleave to the omnipotent and omniscient God.
- Chapter XXVIII.--God sees all things: therefore let us avoid transgression.
- Chapter XXIX.--Let us also draw near to God in purity of heart.
- Chapter XXX.--Let us do those things that please God, and flee from those He hates, that we may be blessed.
- Chapter XXXI.--Let us see by what means we may obtain the divine blessing.
- Chapter XXXII.--We are justified not by our own works, but by faith.
- Chapter XXXIII.--But let us not give up the practice of good works and love. God Himself is an example to us of good works.
- Chapter XXXIV.--Great is the reward of good works with God. Joined together in harmony, let us implore that reward from Him.
- Chapter XXXV.--Immense is this reward. How shall we obtain it?
- Chapter XXXVI.--All blessings are given to us through Christ.
- Chapter XXXVII.--Christ is our leader, and we His soldiers.
- Chapter XXXVIII.--Let the members of the Church submit themselves, and no one exalt himself above another.
- Chapter XXXIX.--There is no reason for self-conceit.
- Chapter XL.--Let us preserve in the Church the order appointed by God.
- Chapter XLI.--Continuation of the same subject.
- Chapter XLII.--The order of ministers in the Church.
- Chapter XLIII.--Moses of old stilled the contention which arose concerning the priestly dignity.
- Chapter XLIV.--The ordinances of the apostles, that there might be no contention respecting the priestly office.
- Chapter XLV.--It is the part of the wicked to vex the righteous.
- Chapter XLVI.--Let us cleave to the righteous: your strife is pernicious.
- Chapter XLVII.--Your recent discord is worse than the former which took place in the times of Paul.
- Chapter XLVIII.--Let us return to the practice of brotherly love.
- Chapter XLIX.--The praise of love.
- Chapter L.--Let us pray to be thought worthy of love.
- Chapter LI.--Let the partakers in strife acknowledge their sins.
- Chapter LII.--Such a confession is pleasing to God.
- Chapter LIII.--The love of Moses towards his people.
- Chapter LIV.--He who is full of love will incur every loss, that peace may be restored to the Church.
- Chapter LV.--Examples of such love.
- Chapter LVI.--Let us admonish and correct one another.
- Chapter LVII.--Let the authors of sedition submit themselves.
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- Chapter LVIII.--Blessings sought for all that call upon God.
- Chapter LIX.--The Corinthians are exhorted speedily to send back word that peace has been restored. The benediction.