The Church History of Eusebius
Chapter XXI.--Cerdon becomes the Third Ruler of the Church of Alexandria.
1. After Nerva had reigned a little more than a year 1 he was succeeded by Trajan. It was during the first year of his reign that Abilius, 2 who had ruled the church of Alexandria for thirteen years, was succeeded by Cerdon. 3
2. He was the third that presided over that church after Annianus, 4 who was the first. At that time Clement still ruled the church of Rome, being also the third that held the episcopate there after Paul and Peter.
3. Linus was the first, and after him came Anencletus. 5
From Sept. 18, 96, to Jan. 27, 98 a.d. ↩
On Abilius, see chap. 14, note 2, above. ↩
According to the legendary Acts of St. Mark, Cerdo was one of the presbyters ordained by Mark. According to Eusebius (H. E. IV. I and Chron.) he held office until the twelfth year of Trajan. ↩
On Annianus, see Bk. II. chap. 24, note 2. ↩
On the order of succession of the early Roman bishops, see above, chap. 2, note 1. Paul and Peter are here placed together by Eusebius, as co-bishops of Rome. Compare the association of the two apostles by Caius, and by Dionysius of Corinth (quoted by Eusebius, in Bk. II. chap. 25). ↩
Kirchengeschichte (BKV)
21. Kap. Cerdo, dritter Bischof der Kirche von Alexandrien.
Nachdem Nerva etwas über ein Jahr regiert hatte, folgte ihm Trajan. In seinem ersten Regierungsjahre folgte in der Kirche zu Alexandrien Cerdo auf Abilius, welcher dreizehn Jahre die bischöfliche Würde innehatte, Cerdo war der dritte Bischof in Alexandrien; der erste war Annianus gewesen. Damals1 regierte noch Klemens in Rom. Er war von den Bischöfen, welche nach Paulus und Petrus auf dem dortigen Stuhle saßen, der dritte; der erste war nämlich Linus, der zweite Anenkletus.
d. i. unter Trajan. ↩