La cité de dieu
Comment se sont accomplies et s’accomplissent encore les promesses de Dieu à Abraham à l’égard de sa double postérité, le peuple juif, selon la chair, et toutes les nations de la terre, selon la foi, c’est ce que le progrès de la Cité de Dieu, selon l’ordre des temps, va nous découvrir. Nous avons fini le livre précédent au règne de David; voyons maintenant ce qui s’est passé depuis ce règne, dans la mesure où peut nous le permettre le dessein que nous nous sommes proposé en cet ouvrage. Tout le temps écoulé depuis que Samuel commença à prophétiser jusqu’à la captivité de Babylone et au rétablissement du temple, qui arriva soixante-dix ans après, ainsi que Jérémie l’avait prédit1, tout ce temps, dis-je, est le temps des Prophètes. Bien que nous puissions avec raison appeler prophètes Noé et quelques autres patriarches qui l’ont précédé ou suivi jusqu’aux Rois, à cause de certaines choses qu’ils ont faites ou dites en esprit de prophétie touchant la Cité de Dieu, d’autant plus qu’il y en a quelques-uns parmi eux à qui l’Ecriture sainte donne ce nom, comme Abraham2 et Moïse3, toutefois, à proprement parler, le temps des Prophètes ne commence que depuis Samuel, qui, par le commandement de Dieu, sacra d’abord roi Saül, et ensuite David, après la réprobation de Saül. Mais nous n’en finirions pas de rapporter tout ce que ces Prophètes ont prédit de Jésus-Christ, tandis que la Cité de Dieu se continuait dans le cours des siècles. Si l’on voulait surtout considérer attentivement l’Ecriture sainte, dans les choses même qu’elle semble ne rapporter qu’historiquement des Rois, on trouverait qu’elle n’est pas moins attentive, si elle ne l’est plus, à prédire l’avenir qu’à raconter le passé. Or, qui ne voit avec un peu de réflexion quel travail ce serait d’entreprendre cette sorte de recherche, et combien il faudrait de volumes pour s’en acquitter comme il faut? En second lieu, les choses même qui ont indubitablement le caractère prophétique sont en si grand nombre touchant Jésus-Christ et le royaume des cieux, qui est la Cité de Dieu, que cette explication passerait de beaucoup les bornes de cet ouvrage. Je tâcherai donc, avec l’aide de Dieu, de m’y contenir de telle sorte, que, sans omettre le nécessaire, je ne dise rien de superflu.
The City of God
Chapter 1.--Of the Prophetic Age.
By the favor of God we have treated distinctly of His promises made to Abraham, that both the nation of Israel according to the flesh, and all nations according to faith, should be his seed, and the City of God, proceeding according to the order of time, will point 1 out how they were fulfilled. Having therefore in the previous book come down to the reign of David, we shall now treat of what remains, so far as may seem sufficient for the object of this work, beginning at the same reign. Now, from the time when holy Samuel began to prophesy, and ever onward until the people of Israel was led captive into Babylonia, and until, according to the prophecy of holy Jeremiah, on Israel's return thence after seventy years, the house of God was built anew, this whole period is the prophetic age. For although both the patriarch Noah himself, in whose days the whole earth was destroyed by the flood, and others before and after him down to this time when there began to be kings over the people of God, may not underservedly be styled prophets, on account of certain things pertaining to the city of God and the kingdom of heaven, which they either predicted or in any way signified should come to pass, and especially since we read that some of them, as Abraham and Moses, were expressly so styled, yet those are most and chiefly called the days of the prophets from the time when Samuel began to prophesy, who at God's command first anointed Saul to be king, and, on his rejection, David himself, whom others of his issue should succeed as long as it was fitting they should do so. If, therefore, I wished to rehearse all that the prophets have predicted concerning Christ, while the city of God, with its members dying and being born in constant succession, ran its course through those times, this work would extend beyond all bounds. First, because the Scripture itself, even when, in treating in order of the kings and of their deeds and the events of their reigns, it seems to be occupied in narrating as with historical diligence the affairs transacted, will be found, if the things handled by it are considered with the aid of the Spirit of God, either more, or certainly not less, intent on foretelling things to come than on relating things past. And who that thinks even a little about it does not know how laborious and prolix a work it would be, and how many volumes it would require to search this out by thorough investigation and demonstrate it by argument? And then, because of that which without dispute pertains to prophecy, there are so many things concerning Christ and the kingdom of heaven, which is the city of God, that to explain these a larger discussion would be necessary than the due proportion of this work admits of. Therefore I shall, if I can, so limit myself, that in carrying through this work, I may, with God's help, neither say what is superfluous nor omit what is necessary.
Has pointed. ↩