Vita S. Hilarionis
Tuguriolum Hilarionis. – Igitur a sexto decimo usque ad vicesimum suae aetatis annum, aestus et pluvias brevi tuguriunculo declinavit, quod iunco et carice texerat. Exstructa deinceps brevi cellula, quae usque hodie permanet, altitudine pedum quinque, hoc est statura sua humiliore, porro longitudine paulo ampliore, quam eius corpusculum patiebatur, ut sepulcrum potius, quam domum crederes.
The Life of S. Hilarion
From his sixteenth to his twentieth year he shielded himself from heat and rain in a little hut which he had constructed of reeds and sedge. Afterwards he built himself a small cell which remains to the present day, five feet in height, that is less than his own height, and only a little more in length. One might suppose it a tomb rather than a house.