Epistula ad Afros episcopos
To the Bishops of Africa
Référence bibliographique
NPNF2-04. Athanasius: Select Works and Letters by Philip Schaff (Translation, Anglais)
CPG 2133
IVe siècle
Table des matières
Tout réduire
- To the Bishops of Africa.
- Letter of Ninety Bishops of Egypt and Libya, including Athanasius.
- 1. Pre-Eminence of the Council of Nicæa. Efforts to exalt that of Ariminum at its expense.
- 2. The Synod of Nicæa contrasted with the local Synods held since.
- 3. The true nature of the proceedings at Ariminum.
- 4. The Nicene formula in accordance with Scripture.
- 5. How the test ‘Coessential’ came to be adopted at Nicæa.
- 6. The Nicene test not unscriptural in sense, nor a novelty.
- 7. The position that the Son is a Creature inconsistent and untenable.
- 8. The Son’s relation to the Father essential, not merely ethical.
- 9. The honest repudiation of Arianism involves the acceptance of the Nicene test.
- 10. Purpose of this Letter; warning against Auxentius of Milan.
- 11. Godhead of the Spirit also involved in the Nicene Creed.
- Letter of Ninety Bishops of Egypt and Libya, including Athanasius.