Histoire ecclésiastique
[1] En ce temps, Xystus gouvernail encore l'église des Romains ; à Antioche, Démetrius avait succédé à Fabius ; Firmilien était évêque de Césarée de Cappadoce; en outre, les églises du Pont avaient pour chefs Grégoire et son frère Athénodore, disciples d'Origène. A Césarée de Palestine, Théocliste mort avait eu pour successeur dans la charge épiscopale, Domnus ; mais peu après, celui-ci ayant trépassé, Théotecne, noire contemporain, fut établi son successeur; il était lui aussi de l'école d'Origène. Mais à Jérusalem, Mazabane étant mort, Hyménée lui succéda dans son siège, il a lui aussi brillé de longues années de notre temps.1
D'après HAUNACK, Chronologie, t. I, p. 218, Démétrianus devient évêque à la fin de 252 ou au commencement de 253. Sur les quarante années environ d'épiscopat de Firmilien, voy. ib.. t. II, p. 102. Sur le fragment de liste de Césarée de Palestine, voy. ib., t. I, p. 230. La série pour Jérusalem est ici : Mazabane, 250-204/6; Hyménée, 264/6-297/9 (ib. t. I, p. 223). ↩
The Church History of Eusebius
Chapter XIV.--The Bishops that flourished at that Time.
At that time Xystus 1 was still presiding over the church of Rome, and Demetrianus, 2 successor of Fabius, 3 over the church of Antioch, and Firmilianus 4 over that of Caesarea in Cappadocia; and besides these, Gregory 5 and his brother Athenodorus, 6 friends of Origen, were presiding over the churches in Pontus; and Theoctistus 7 of Caesarea in Palestine having died, Domnus 8 received the episcopate there. He held it but a short time, and Theotecnus, 9 our contemporary, succeeded him. He also was a member of Origen's school. But in Jerusalem, after the death of Mazabanes, 10 Hymenaeus, 11 who has been celebrated among us for a great many years, succeeded to his seat.
On Xystus II., see chap. 5, note 5. ↩
On Demetrianus, see Bk. VI. chap. 46, note 12. ↩
On Fabius, see Bk. VI. chap. 39, note 7. ↩
On Firmilianus, see Bk. VI. chap. 26, note 3. ↩
Gregory Thaumaturgus, bishop of Neo-Caesarea in Pontus from about 233-270 (?). Upon Gregory, see Bk. VI. chap. 30, note 1. ↩
On Athenodorus, see ibid. note 2. ↩
On Theoctistus, see Bk. VI. chap. 19, note 27. ↩
Of the life and character of Domnus we know nothing. So far as I am aware he is mentioned only here. His dates are uncertain, but his predecessor, Theoctistus, was still bishop in the time of Stephen of Rome (254-257; see above, Bk. VI. chap. 19, note 27), while he himself became bishop before the death of Xystus of Rome, as we may gather from this chapter, i.e. before August, 258 (see chap. 5, note 5), so that between these dates his accession must be placed. Eusebius' words in this passage will hardly admit an episcopate of more than one or two years; possibly he was bishop but a few months. ↩
The dates of Theotecnus are likewise uncertain. Eusebius in Bk. VII. chap. 32, says that he was acquainted with Pamphilus during the episcopate of Agapius (the successor of Theotecnus), implying that he first made his acquaintance then. It is therefore likely that Agapius became bishop some years before the persecution of Diocletian, for otherwise we hardly allow enough time for the acquaintance of Pamphilus and Eusebius who did so much work together, and apparently were friends for so long a time. Pamphilus himself suffered martyrdom in 309 a.d. Theotecnus was quite a prominent man and was present at the two Antiochian synods mentioned in chaps. 27 and 30, which were convened to consider the heresy of Paul of Samosata. ↩
On Mazabanes, see Bk. VI. chap. 39, note 5. ↩
According to the Chron. of Eusebius, Hymenaeus was bishop of Jerusalem from 265-298. It is expressly stated in the Chron. that the dates of the earlier Jerusalem bishops are not known (see Bk. V. chap. 12, note 1); but with the dates of the bishops of the latter part of the third century Eusebius can hardly have been unacquainted, and that Hymenaeus was bishop at any rate as early as 265 is proved by chaps. 27 and 30 (see the note on Mazabanes referred to just above). The dates given in the Chron. may therefore be accepted as at least approximately correct. ↩