The Church History of Eusebius
Chapter XXXV.--Dionysius succeeds Heraclas in the Episcopate.
In the third year of this emperor, Heraclas 1 died, having held his office for sixteen years, and Dionysius 2 received the episcopate of the churches of Alexandria.
On Heraclas, see chap. 3, note 2. The third year of Philip's reign extended from the summer of 246 to the summer of 247, so that if Heraclas became bishop in 232, he cannot have held office fully sixteen years. The agreement, however, is so close as to occasion no difficulty. ↩
On Dionysius, see chap. 40, note 1. ↩
Kirchengeschichte (BKV)
35. Kap. Dionysius wird Nachfolger des Bischofs Heraklas.
Im dritten Jahre der Regierung des Philipp starb Heraklas, nachdem er sechzehn Jahre die Kirche von Alexandrien geleitet hatte, und wurde Dionysius Nachfolger in der bischöflichen Würde.