Kirchengeschichte (BKV)
18. Kap. Die auf uns gekommenen Schriften Philos.
Beredt in der Sprache und reich an Gedanken, kühn und hochstrebend in der Auslegung der göttlichen Bücher, verfaßte Philo mannigfaltige und verschiedenartige Erklärungen der heiligen Schriften. Zuerst behandelte er der Ordnung und Reihe nach die Ereignisse der Genesis unter dem Titel Allegorische Auslegung der heiligen Gesetze.1 Dann schrieb er Sonderuntersuchungen mit Fragen und Antworten über wichtige Probleme der Bibel, welchen er die entsprechende Überschrift gab:
- Untersuchungen und Erklärungen zu Genesis und Exodus. Weitere Spezialstudien sind: S. 86
- Zwei Bücher über den Ackerbau.2
- Zwei Bücher über die Trunkenheit.3 Noch andere Schriften (über die Genesis) mit eigenen, kennzeichnenden Titeln sind:
- Segenswunsch und Fluch des nüchternen Noe.4
- Die Sprachverwirrung.5
- Flucht und Wiederfinden.6
- Zusammenkommen um der Nachkommenschaft willen.7
- Der Erbe der göttlichen Güter und die Teilung in gleiche, einander gegenüberliegende Stücke.8
- Die drei Tugenden, welche Moses nebst anderen beschrieben hat.
- Die Namensänderungen und der Grund hierfür.
- In der letzten Schrift9 weist er hin auf seine
- Zwei Bücher über die Testamente.10
- Ferner verfaßte er:
- Die Auswanderung11 und Das Leben eines Weisen, der durch Gerechtigkeit vollendet wurde, oder Ungeschriebene Gesetze.
- Die Riesen12 oder die Unveränderlichkeit Gottes,13 Fünf Bücher: Die Träume sind nach Moses von Gott gesandt.14
- Dies sind seine auf uns gekommenen Abhandlungen über die Genesis. Von den Schriften über das Buch S. 87 Exodus haben wir die fünf Bücher „Untersuchungen und Erklärungen“ kennengelernt. Dazu kommen:
- Die Stiftshütte.
- Die zehn Gebote.
- Vier Bücher über die Gesetze, welche sich besonders auf die Hauptkapitel der zehn Gebote beziehen.
- Die Opfertiere und die Arten der Opfer.
- Der im Gesetze für die Guten bestimmte Lohn und die für die Bösen bestimmte Strafe und Rache.
- Zu allen diesen Schriften kommen noch Monographien wie
- Die Vorsehung.
- Die Juden.15
- Der Staatsbürger.
- Alexander oder Die unvernünftigen Wesen haben Verstand.
- Jeder Sünder ist ein Sklave.16 Als Anhang dazu:
- Jeder Tugendhafte ist frei.17
- Nach diesen Schriften verfaßte Philo:
- Das beschauliche Leben oder Die Flehenden.18 Aus dieser Schrift haben wir die Bräuche der apostolischen Männer erwähnt. Eine Erklärung der im Gesetze und in den Propheten erwähnten hebräischen Namen soll ebenfalls ein Werk Philos sein. Als er unter Gaius nach Rom kam, verfaßte er die Schrift über den Gotteshaß des Gaius, welcher er mit feiner Ironie den Titel gab: Tugenden.19 Unter Klaudius soll er diese Schrift dem ganzen römischen Senate vorgetragen haben. Die Folge sei gewesen, S. 88 daß seine Schriften so sehr bewundert wurden, daß man sie der Aufnahme in die Bibliotheken würdigte.20 Damals, als Paulus von Jerusalem und dessen Umgebung aus bis nach Illyrien wanderte,21 vertrieb Klaudius die Juden aus Rom und landeten Aquila und Priscilla, mit anderen Juden aus Rom ausgewiesen, in Asien, wo sie mit dem Apostel Paulus verkehrten, der die daselbst vor kurzem von ihm gegründeten Kirchen befestigte. So lehrt uns die heilige Apostelgeschichte.22
Sie ist das wissenschaftliche Hauptwerk Philos. In der Überlieferung umfaßt es drei Bücher: 1. Buch = Gen. 2, 1—17; 2. Buch = Gen. 2, 18—3, 1; 3. Buch = Gen. 3, 8—19. Ursprünglich aber und in der Eusebius vorliegenden Form umfaßte es wohl die Erklärung von Gen. 2, 1—4, 25. ↩
Gen. 9, 20. Das zweite Buch führt auch den Sondertitel: Die Pflanzung Noes. ↩
Gen. 9, 21—23. Das zweite Buch ist bis auf Fragmente verloren. ↩
Gen. 9, 24—27. Ist nur fragmentarisch erhalten. ↩
Gen. 11, 1—9. ↩
Ebd. 16, 6—14. ↩
Ebd. 16, 1—6. ↩
Ebd. 15, 2—18. ↩
53. ↩
Gen. 6, 13—9, 19. Die beiden Bücher sind nicht mehr erhalten. ↩
Gen. 12, 1—6. ↩
Ebd. 6, 1—4. ↩
Ebd. 6, 4—12. ↩
Ebd. 20, 3; 28, 12ff.; 31, 11 ff.; 37; 40—41 u. a. Ist nur zum Teil erhalten. ↩
Die Apologie des Judentums führte auch den Titel ποθετικά. Sie ist nur in Fragmenten erhalten. Vgl. Eusebius, Evgl. Vorbereitg. 3, 6—7 u. 11. ↩
Ist verlorengegangen. ↩
Die Schrift behandelt den stoischen Grundgedanken von der Freiheit des Weisen. ↩
Vgl. voriges Kapitel. ↩
Vgl. oben II 5 (S. 66-68). ↩
Die Schriften von Philo sind im griechischen Text herausgegeben von Colin-Wendland-Reiter in 8 Bänden (1896 bis 1930). Übersetzt sind sie von Leop. Cohn-J. Heinemann, bisher 5 Bände (1909—1929). ↩
Rom. 15, 19. ↩
18, 2. 18. 19. 23. ↩
The Church History of Eusebius
Chapter XVIII.--The Works of Philo 1 that have come down to us.
1. Copious in language, comprehensive in thought, sublime and elevated in his views of divine Scripture, Philo has produced manifold and various expositions of the sacred books. On the one hand, he expounds in order the events recorded in Genesis in the books to which he gives the title Allegories of the Sacred Laws; 2 on the other hand, he makes successive divisions of the chapters in the Scriptures which are the subject of investigation, and gives objections and solutions, in the books which he quite suitably calls Questions and Answers on Genesis and Exodus. 3
2. There are, besides these, treatises expressly worked out by him on certain subjects, such as the two books On Agriculture, 4 and the same number On Drunkenness; 5 and some others distinguished by different titles corresponding to the contents of each; for instance, Concerning the things which the Sober Mind desires and execrates, 6 On the Confusion of Tongues, 7 On Flight and Discovery, 8 On Assembly for the sake of Instruction, 9 On the question, Who is heir to things divine?' or On the division of things into equal and unequal, 10 and still further the work On the three Virtues which with others have been described by Moses. 11
3. In addition to these is the work On those whose Names have been changed and why they have been changed, 12 in which he says that he had written also two books On Covenants. 13
4. And there is also a work of his On Emigration, 14 and one On the life of a Wise Man made perfect in Righteousness, or On unwritten Laws; 15 and still further the work On Giants or On the Immutability of God, 16 and a first, second, third, fourth and fifth book On the proposition, that Dreams according to Moses are sent by God. 17 These are the books on Genesis that have come down to us.
5. But on Exodus we are acquainted with the first, second, third, fourth and fifth books of Questions and Answers; 18 also with that On the Tabernacle, 19 and that On the Ten Commandments, 20 and the four books On the laws which refer especially to the principal divisions of the ten Commandments, 21 and another On animals intended for sacrifice and On the kinds of sacrifice, 22 and another On the rewards fixed in the law for the good, and on the punishments and curses fixed for the wicked. 23
6. In addition to all these there are extant also some single-volumed works of his; as for instance, the work On Providence, 24 and the book composed by him On the Jews, 25 and The Statesman; 26 and still further, Alexander, or On the possession of reason by the irrational animals. 27 Besides these there is a work On the proposition that every wicked man is a slave, to which is subjoined the work On the proposition that every goad man is free. 28
7. After these was composed by him the work On the contemplative life, or On suppliants, 29 from which we have drawn the facts concerning the life of the apostolic men; and still further, the Interpretation of the Hebrew names in the law and in the prophets are said to be the result of his industry. 30
8. And he is said to have read in the presence of the whole Roman Senate during the reign of Claudius 31 the work which he had written, when he came to Rome under Caius, concerning Caius' hatred of the gods, and to which, with ironical reference to its character, he had given the title On the Virtues. 32 And his discourses were so much admired as to be deemed worthy of a place in the libraries.
9. At this time, while Paul was completing his journey "from Jerusalem and round about unto Illyricum," 33 Claudius drove the Jews out of Rome; and Aquila and Priscilla, leaving Rome with the other Jews, came to Asia, and there abode with the apostle Paul, who was confirming the churches of that region whose foundations he had newly laid. The sacred book of the Acts informs us also of these things. 34
On Philo's works, see Schürer, Gesch. des jüd. Volkes, II. p. 831 sqq. The best (though it leaves much to be desired) complete edition of Philo's works is that of Mangey: 2 vols., folio, London, 1742; English translation of Philo's works by Yonge, 4 vols., London, 1854-55. Upon Philo's life, see chaps. 4-6, above. Eusebius, in his Praep. Evang., quotes extensively from Philo's works and preserves some fragments of which we should otherwise be ignorant. ↩
nomon hieron allegoriai. This work is still extant, and, according to Schürer, includes all the works contained in the first volume of Mangey's edition (except the De Opificio Mundi, upon which see Schürer, p. 846 sqq. and note 11, below), comprising 16 different titles. The work forms the second great group of writings upon the Pentateuch, and is a very full and allegorical commentary upon Genesis, beginning with the second chapter and following it verse by verse through the fourth chapter; but from that point on certain passages are selected and treated at length under special titles, and under those titles, in Schürer's opinion, were published by Philo as separate works, though really forming a part of one complete whole. From this much confusion has resulted. Eusebius embraces all of the works as far as the end of chap. 4 (including five titles in Mangey) under the one general title, but from that point on he too quotes separate works under special titles, but at the end (§5, below) he unites them all as the "extant works on Genesis." Many portions of the commentary are now missing. Compare Schürer, ibid. pp. 838-846. ↩
zetemata kai luseis: Quaestiones et solutiones. According to Schürer (ibid. p. 836 sq.), a comparatively brief catechetical interpretation of the Pentateuch in the form of questions and answers, embracing probably six books on Genesis and five on Exodus, and forming the first great group of writings upon the Pentateuch. So far as Eusebius seems to have known, they covered only Genesis and Exodus, and this is all that we are sure of, though some think that they included also the remainder of the Pentateuch. About half of his work (four books on Genesis and two on Exodus) is extant in an Armenian version (published by Aucher in 2 vols., Venet. 1822 and '26, and in Latin by Ritter, vols. 6 and 7 of his edition of Philo's works); and numerous Latin and Greek fragments still exist (see Schürer, p. 837 sqq.). ↩
peri georgias duo: De Agricultura duo (so Jerome, de vir. ill. 11). Upon Genesis ix. 20, forming a part (as do all the works mentioned in §§2-4 except On the Three Virtues, and On the Unwritten Laws, which belong to the third group of writings on the Pentateuch) of the large commentary, nomon hieron allegoriai, mentioned above (note 2). This work is still extant, and is given by Mangey, I. 300-356, as two works with distinct titles: peri georgias and peri phutourgias Noe to deuteron (Schürer, p. 843). ↩
peri methes tosauta: De ebrietate duo (so Jerome, ibid.). Upon Gen. ix. 21. Only the second book is extant (Mangey, I. 357-391), but from its beginning it is plain that another book originally preceded it (Schürer, p. 843). ↩
peri hon nepsas ho nous euchetai kai kataratai. Jerome, de vir. ill. 11, de his quae sensu precamur et detestamur. Upon Gen. ix. 24. Still extant, and given by Mangey (I. 392-403), who, however, prints the work under the title peri tou exenepse Noe: De Sobrietate; though in two of the best mss. (according to Mangey, I. 392, note) the title agrees closely with that given by Eusebius (Schürer, p. 843). ↩
peri sunkuseos ton dialekton. Upon Gen. xi. 1-9. Still extant, and given by Mangey, I. 404-435 (Schürer, p. 844). ↩
peri phuges kai heureseos. The same title is found in Johannes Monachus (Mangey, I. 546, note), and it is probably correct, as the work treats of the flight and the discovery of Hagar (Gen. xvi. 6-14). It is still extant and is given by Mangey (I. 546-577) under the title peri phug?don, On Fugitives.' The text of Eusebius in this place has been very much corrupted. The reading which I give is supported by good ms. authority, and is adopted by Valesius, Stroth, and Laemmer. But Nicephorus reads peri phuges kai haireseos kai ho peri phuseos kai heureseos, which is also supported by ms. authority, and is adopted by Burton, Schwegler, and Heinichen. But upon comparing the title of the work, as given by Johannes Monachus and as found in the various mss. of Philo, with the contents of the work itself, there can be little doubt of the correctness of the shorter reading. Of the second work, which the longer reading introduces into the text of Eusebius, we have no knowledge, and Philo can hardly have written it. Schürer, who adopts the shorter reading, expresses himself very strongly (p. 845, note 34). ↩
peri tes pros ta paideumata sunodou, "On Assembly for the sake of instruction." Upon Gen. xvi. 1-6, which is interpreted to mean that one must make himself acquainted with the lower branches of knowledge (Hagar) before he can go on to the higher (Sarah), and from them obtain the fruit, viz.: virtue (Isaac). Still extant, and given by Mangey, I. 519-545 (Schürer, 844 sqq.). ↩
peri te tou, tis ho ton theion esti kleronomos, e peri tes eis ta isa kai enantia tomes. From this double title Jerome (de vir. ill. 11) wrongly makes two works. The writing is still extant, and is given by Mangey (I. 473-518) under the title peri tou tis ho ton theion pragm?ton kleronomos (Schürer, 844). ↩
peri ton trion areton, has sun allais anegrapse Mouses. This work is still extant, and is given by Mangey under the title peri trion areton etoi peri andreias kai philanthropias kai metanoias: peri andreias, II. 375-383; peri philanthropias, II. 383-405; peri metanoias, II. 405-407. Jerome gives the simple title De tribus virtutibus liber unus. According to Schürer (p. 852 sqq.) it forms an appendix to the third great group of works upon the Pentateuch, containing those laws which do not belong to any one of the ten commandments in particular, but fall under the head of general cardinal virtues. The third group, as Schürer describes it (p. 846), aims to give for non-Jews a complete view of the Mosaic legislation, and embraces, first, the work upon the Creation (which in the mss. and editions of Philo is wrongly placed at the beginning in connection with the great Allegorical Commentary, and is thus included in that by Eusebius in his list of Philo's works, so that he does not make special mention of it); second, the lives of great and good men, the living unwritten law; and third, the Mosaic legislation proper (1. The ten commandments; 2. The special laws connected with each of these); and finally an appendix treating of certain cardinal virtues, and of reward and punishments. This group is more historic and less allegoric than the two others, which are rather esoteric and scientific. ↩
peri ton metonomazomenon kai hon heneka metonom?zontai, De Mutatione nominum. Upon Gen. xvii. 1-22. This work is still extant, and is given by Mangey, I. 578-619. See Schürer, p. 485. ↩
en ho phesi suntetachenai kai peri diathekon proton kai deuteron. Nearly all the mss., followed by some of the editors, read protes kai deuteras, instead of proton kai deuteron, thus making Eusebius mention a work "On the first and second covenants," instead of a first and second book "On the covenants." It is plain from Philo's own reference to the work (on p. 586 in Mangey's ed.) that he wrote two books "On covenants," and not a work "On the two covenants." I have therefore felt warranted in reading with Heinichen and some other editors proton kai deuteron, a reading which is more natural in view of the absence of an article with diathekon, and which is confirmed by Nicephorus Callistus. This reading must be correct unless we are to suppose that Eusebius misread Philo. Fabricius suggests that Eusebius probably wrote a kai b', which the copyists wrongly referred to the "covenants" instead of to the number of the books, and hence gave the feminine instead of the neuter form. This work "On covenants," or "On the whole discussion concerning covenants" (as Philo gives it), is now lost, as it was already in the time of Eusebius; at least he knew of it only from Philo's reference to it. See Schürer, p. 845. ↩
peri apoikias: De Migratione Abrahami. Upon Gen. xii. 1-6. The work is still extant, and is given by Mangey, I. 436-472. See Schürer, p. 844. ↩
biou sophou tou kata dikaiosunen teleiothentos, e nomon agr?phon. (According to Schürer, dikaiosunen here is a mistake for didaskalian, which is the true reading in the original title.) This work, which is still extant, is given by Mangey, II. 1-40, under the same title (didaskalian, however, instead of dikaiosunen), with the addition, ho esti peri 'Abra?m: De Abrahamo. It opens the second division of the third great group of writings on the Pentateuch (see note 11, above): the biographical division, mentioning Enos, Enoch and Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but dealing chiefly with Abraham. The biographies of Isaac and Jacob probably followed, but they are lost, and we have no trace of them, so that the life of Joseph (see below, note 26) in the mss. follows directly upon that of Abraham (Schürer, p. 848 sqq.). ↩
peri gig?nton, e peri tou me trepesthai to theion. Upon Gen. vi. 1-4 and 4-12. The two parts of this work, both of which are still extant, form really but one book; for instance, Johannes Monachus (ineditus) quotes from the latter part under the title peri gig?nton (according to Mangey, I. 262, note, and 272, note). But the two are divided in Mangey's edition, where the first is given under the title peri gig?nton (I. 262-272), the second under the title hoti atrepton (I. 272-299). See Schürer, p. 843. The title is found in the form given at the beginning of this note in all the mss. of Eusebius except two, which have kai instead of e, thus making two separate works. This reading is adopted by Heinichen and by Closs, but is poorly supported by ms. authority, and since the two titles cover only one work, as already mentioned, the e is more natural than the kai. ↩
peri te tou kata Mousea theopemptous einai tous oneirous proton, deuteron, k.t.l. Two books are extant, the first upon Gen. xxviii. 12 sqq. and Gen. xxxi. 11 sqq. (given by Mangey, I. 620-658), the second upon Gen. xxxvii. and xl.-xli. (given by Mangey, I. 659-699). Jerome (de vir. ill. 11) follows Eusebius in mentioning five books, and there is no occasion to doubt the report. Schürer thinks that the two extant books are the second and third of the original five (Schürer, 845 sqq.). ↩
zetemata kai luseis; see above, note 3. Eusebius knew only five books upon Exodus, and there is no reason to think there were any more. ↩
Philo wrote a work entitled peri biou Moseos: Vita Mosis, which is still extant, but is not mentioned in the catalogue of Eusebius. It contains a long description of the tabernacle, and consequently Schürer concludes that the work mentioned here by Eusebius (peri tes skenes) represents that portion of the larger work. If this be the case, it is possible that the section in the mss. used by Eusebius was detached from the rest of the work and constituted an independent book. The omission of the title of the larger work is doubtless due, as Schürer remarks, to the imperfect transmission of the text of Eusebius' catalogue. See Schürer, p. 855. ↩
peri ton deka logion: De Decalogo. Still extant, and given by Mangey, II. 180-209. Jerome has the condensed title de tabernaculo et decalogo libri quattuor, and this introduces the third division of the third general group of works upon the Pentateuch (see note 11, above), and, according to Schürer, should be joined directly to the bios politikos, or Life of Joseph, and not separated from it by the insertion of the Life of Moses (as is done by Mangey), which does not belong to this group (Schürer, p. 849 sqq.). ↩
ta peri ton anapheromenon en eidei nomon eis ta sunteinonta keph?laia ton deka logon, a'b'g'd': De specialibus legibus. A part of the third division of the third general group of works (see note 11, above). It is still extant in four books, each with a special title, and each containing many subdivisions. They are given by Mangey: first book, II. 210-269, in seven parts: de circumcisione, de monarchia Liber I., de monarchia Liber II., de praemiis sacerdotum, de victimis, de sacrificantibus, or de victimis offerentibus, de mercede meretricis non accipienda in sacrarium; second book, 270-298, incomplete in Mangey, but entire in Tischendorf's Philonea, p. 1-83; third book, 299-334; fourth book, 335-374: made up like the first of a number of tracts on special subjects. Philo, in this work, attempts to bring all the Mosaic laws into a system under the ten rubrics of the decalogue: for instance, under the first two commandments, the laws in regard to priests and sacrifices; under the fourth, the laws in regard to the Sabbath, &c. See Schürer, p. 850 sqq. ↩
peri ton eis tas hierourgias zoon, kai tina ta ton thusion eide. This is really only a portion of the first book of the work just mentioned, given in Mangey under the title de victimis (II. 237-250). It is possible that these various sections of books--or at least this one--circulated separately, and that thus Eusebius took it for an independent work. See Schürer, p. 851. ↩
peri ton prokeimenon en to nomo tois men agathois athlon, tois de ponerois epitimion kai aron, still extant and given by Mangey (incorrectly as two separate works) under the titles peri athlon kai epitimion, de praemiis et poenis (II. 408-428), and peri aron, de execrationibus (II. 429-437). The writing forms a sort of epilogue to the work upon the Mosaic legislation. Schürer, p. 854. ↩
to peri pronoias, De providentia. This work is extant only in an Armenian version, and is published with a Latin translation by Aucher, Vol. I. p. 1-121 (see above, note 3), and in Latin by Ritter (Vol. VIII.). Two Greek fragments, one of considerable extent, are preserved by Eusebius in his Praeparatio Evang. VII. 21, and VIII. 14. In the Armenian the work consists of two books, but the first is of doubtful genuineness, and Eusebius seems to have known only one, for both quotations in the Praep. Evang. are from the present second book, and the work is cited in the singular, as also in the present passage, where to is to be read instead of ta, though some mss. have the latter. The work (which is not found in Mangey's ed.) is one of Philo's separate works which does not fall under any of the three groups upon the Pentateuch. ↩
peri 'Ioudaion, which is doubtless to be identified with the he huper 'Ioudaion apologia, which is no longer extant, but which Eusebius mentions, and from which he quotes in his Praep. Evang. VIII. 2. The fragment given by Eusebius is printed by Mangey in Vol. II. p. 632-634, and in Dähne's opinion (Theol. Studien und Kritiken, 1883, p. 990) the two preceding fragments given by Mangey (p. 626 sqq.) also belong to this Apology. The work entitled de nobilitate (Mangey, II. 437-444) possibly formed a part of the Apology. This is Dähne's opinion (see ibid. p. 990, 1037), with whom Schürer agrees. The genuineness of the Apology is generally admitted, though it has been disputed on insufficient grounds by Grätz (Gesch. der Juden, III. p. 680, third ed.), who is followed by Hilgenfeld (in the Zeitschrift für wiss. Theologie, 1832, p. 275 sq. and in his Ketzergesch. des Urchristenthums, p. 87 sq.). This too, like the preceding, was one of the separate works of Philo. See Schürer, p. 861 sq. ↩
ho politikos. Still extant, and given by Mangey (II. 41-79) under the title bios politikos hoper esti peri 'Ioseph: De Josepho. Photius, Bib. Cod. 103, gives the title peri biou politikou. This forms a part of the second division of the third great group upon the Pentateuch (see above, note 11), and follows directly the Life of Abraham, the Lives of Isaac and Jacob probably having fallen out (compare note 15, above). The work is intended to show how the wise man should conduct himself in affairs of state or political life. See Schürer, p. 849. ↩
ho 'Alexandros e peri tou logou ?chein ta aloga zoa, De Alexandro et quod propriam rationem muta animalia habeant, as the title is given by Jerome (de vir. ill. c. 11). The work is extant only in Armenian, and is given by Aucher, I. p. 123-172, and in Latin by Ritter, Vol. VII. Two short Greek fragments are also found in the Florilegium of Leontius and Johannes, according to Schürer. This book is also one of the separate works of Philo, and belongs to his later writings. See Schürer, p. 860 sqq. ↩
ho peri tou doulon einai p?nta phaulon, ho exes estin ho peri tou p?nta spoudaion eleutheron einai. These two works formed originally the two halves of a single work, in which the subject was treated from its two sides,--the slavery of the wicked man and the freedom of the good man. The first half is lost; but the second half is extant, and is given by Mangey (II. 445-470). A long fragment of the extant second half is given also by Eusebius, in his Praep. Evang. VIII. 12. The genuineness of the work has been disputed by some, but is defended with success by Lucius, Der Essenismus, p. 13-23, Strasburg, 1881 (Schürer, p. 85). ↩
See the preceding chapter; and on the work, see note 2 on that chapter. ↩
ton en nomo de kai prophetais 'Ebraikon onom?ton hai hermeneiai. The way in which Eusebius speaks of this work (tou autou spoudai einai legontai) shows that it lay before him as an anonymous work, which, however, was "said to be the result of Philo's industry." Jerome, too, in speaking of the same work (at the beginning of his own work, De nominibus Hebraicis), says that, according to the testimony of Origen, it was the work of Philo. For Jerome, too, therefore, it was an anonymous work. This testimony of Origen cannot, according to Schürer, be found in his extant works, but in his Comment. in Joann. II. 27 (ed. Lommatzsch, I. 50) he speaks of a work upon the same subject, the author of which he does not know. The book therefore in view of the existing state of the tradition in regard to it, is usually thought to be the work of some other writer than Philo. In its original form it is no longer extant (and in the absence of this original it is impossible to decide the question of authorship), though there exist a number of works upon the same subject which are probably based upon this lost original. Jerome, e.g., informs us that his Liber de Nominibus Hebraicis (Migne, III. 771) is a revision of it. See Schürer, p. 865 sq. ↩
"This report is very improbable, for a work full of hatred to the Romans and of derogatory references to the emperor Caligula could not have been read before the Roman Senate, especially when the author was a Jew" (Closs). It is in fact quite unlikely that Philo was in Rome during the reign of Claudius (see above, chap. 17, note 1). The report given here by Eusebius owes its origin perhaps to the imagination of some man who supposed that Philo was in Rome during the reign of Claudius (on the ground of the other tradition already referred to), and whose fancy led him to picture Philo as obtaining at that time his revenge upon the emperor Caligula in this dramatic way. It was not difficult to imagine that this bitterly sarcastic and vivid work might have been intended for public reading, and it was an attractive suggestion that the Senate might have constituted the audience. ↩
See above, chap. 5, note 1. ↩
Romans xv. 19. ↩
See Acts xviii. 2, 18, 19 sqq. ↩