The Instructions of Commodianus
The Instructions of Commodianus in favour of Christian Discipline, Against the Gods of the Heathens.
(Expressed in Acrostics.)
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The Instructions of Commodianus |
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Introductory Note and Elucidations of Commodianus |
- The Instructions of Commodianus in favour of Christian Discipline, Against the Gods of the Heathens.
- I.--Preface.
- II.--God's Indignation.
- III.--The Worship of Demons.
- IV.--Saturn.
- V.--Jupiter.
- VI.--Of the Same Jupiter's Thunderbolt.
- VII.--Of the Septizonium and the Stars.
- VIII.--Of the Sun and Moon.
- IX.--Mercury.
- X.--Neptune.
- XI.--Apollo the Soothsaying and False.
- XII.--Father Liber--Bacchus.
- XIII.--The Unconquered One.
- XIV.--Sylvanus.
- XV.--Hercules.
- XVI.--Of the Gods and Goddesses.
- XVII.--Of Their Images.
- XVIII.--Of Ammydates and the Great God.
- XIX.--Of the Vain Nemesiaci.
- XX.--The Titans.
- XXI.--The Montesiani.
- XXII.--The Dulness of the Age.
- XXIII.--Of Those Who are Everywhere Ready.
- XXIV.--Of Those Who Live Between the Two.
- XXV.--They Who Fear and Will Not Believe.
- XXVI.--To Those Who Resist the Law of Christ the Living God.
- XXVII.--O Fool, Thou Dost Not Die to God.
- XXVIII.--The Righteous Rise Again.
- XXIX.--To the Wicked and Unbelieving Rich Man.
- XXX.--Rich Men, Be Humble.
- XXXI.--To Judges.
- XXXII.--To Self-Pleasers.
- XXXIII.--To the Gentiles.
- XXXIV.--Moreover, to Ignorant Gentiles.
- XXXV.--Of the Tree of Life and Death.
- XXXVI.--Of the Foolishness of the Cross.
- XXXVII.--The Fanatics Who Judaize.
- XXXVIII.--To the Jews.
- XXXIX.--Also to the Jews.
- XL.--Again to the Same.
- XLI.--Of the Time of Antichrist.
- XLII.--Of the Hidden and Holy People of the Almighty Christ, the Living God.
- XLIII.--Of the End of This Age.
- XLIV.--Of the First Resurrection.
- XLV.--Of the Day of Judgment.
- XLVI.--To Catechumens.
- XLVII.--To the Faithful.
- XLVIII.--O Faithful, Beware of Evil.
- XLIX.--To Penitents.
- L.--Who Have Apostatized from God.
- LI.--Of Infants.
- LII.--Deserters.
- LIII.--To the Soldiers of Christ.
- LIV.--Of Fugitives.
- LV.--Of the Seed of the Tares.
- LVI.--To the Dissembler.
- LVII.--That Worldly Things are Absolutely to Be Avoided.
- LVIII.--That the Christian Should Be Such.
- LIX.--To the Matrons of the Church of the Living God.
- LX.--To the Same Again.
- LXI.--In the Church to All the People of God.
- LXII.--To Him Who Wishes for Martyrdom.
- LXIII.--The Daily War.
- LXIV.--Of the Zeal of Concupiscence.
- LXV.--They Who Give from Evil.
- LXVI.--Of a Deceitful Peace.
- LXVIII.--To Ministers.
- LXIX.--To God's Shepherds.
- LXX.--I Speak to the Elder-Born.
- LXXI.--To Visit the Sick.
- LXXII.--To the Poor in Health.
- LXXIII.--That Sons are Not to Be Bewailed.
- LXXIV.--Of Funeral Pomp.
- LXXV.--To the Clerks.
- LXXVI.--Of Those Who Gossip, and of Silence.
- LXXVII.--To the Drunkards.
- LXXVIII.--To the Pastors.
- LXXIX.--To the Petitioners.
- LXXX.--The Name of the Man of Gaza.