La cité de dieu
Pour abréger le plus possible, je dirai que Rome fut bâtie comme une autre Babylone, ou comme la fille de la première, et qu’il a plu à Dieu de s’en servir pour dompter l’univers et réduire toutes les nations à l’unité de la même république et des mêmes lois. Il y avait alors des peuples puissants et aguerris, qui ne se soumettaient pas aisément, et ne pouvaient être vaincus sans qu’il en coûtât beaucoup de peine et de sang aux vainqueurs. En effet, lorsque les Assyriens conquirent presque toute l’Asie, les peuples n’étaient ni en si grand nombre ni si exercés aux armes, de sorte qu’ils en eurent bien meilleur marché. Depuis ce grand déluge, dont il ne se sauva que huit personnes, jusqu’à Ninus qui se rendit maître de toute l’Asie, il ne s’était écoulé qu’environ mille ans. Mais Rome ne vint pas si aisément à bout de l’Orient et de l’Occident et de tant de nations que nous voyons aujourd’hui soumises à son empire, iarce qu’elle trouva de toutes parts des ennemis puissants et belliqueux. Lors donc qu’elle fut fondée, il y avait déjà sept cent dix-huit ans que les Juifs dominaient dans la terre promise, Jésus Navé ayant gouverné ce peuple vingt-sept ans, les Juges trois cent vingt-neuf ans, et les Rois trois cent soixante-deux. Achaz régnait alors en Juda, ou, selon d’autres, son successeur Ezéchias , prince excellent en vertu et en piété, qui vivait du temps de Romulus; Osée tenait le sceptre d’Israël.
The City of God
Chapter 22.--That Rome Was Founded When the Assyrian Kingdom Perished, at Which Time Hezekiah Reigned in Judah.
To be brief, the city of Rome was founded, like another Babylon, and as it were the daughter of the former Babylon, by which God was pleased to conquer the whole world, and subdue it far and wide by bringing it into one fellowship of government and laws. For there were already powerful and brave peoples and nations trained to arms, who did not easily yield, and whose subjugation necessarily involved great danger and destruction as well as great and horrible labor. For when the Assyrian kingdom subdued almost all Asia, although this was done by fighting, yet the wars could not be very fierce or difficult, because the nations were as yet untrained to resist, and neither so many nor so great as afterward; forasmuch as, after that greatest and indeed universal flood, when only eight men escaped in Noah's ark, not much more than a thousand years had passed when Ninus subdued all Asia with the exception of India. But Rome did not with the same quickness and facility wholly subdue all those nations of the east and west which we see brought under the Roman empire, because, in its gradual increase, in whatever direction it was extended, it found them strong and warlike. At the time when Rome was founded, then, the people of Israel had been in the land of promise seven hundred and eighteen years. Of these years twenty-seven belong to Joshua the son of Nun, and after that three hundred and twenty-nine to the period of the judges. But from the time when the kings began to reign there, three hundred and sixty-two years had passed. And at that time there was a king in Judah called Ahaz, or, as others compute, Hezekiah his successor, the best and most pious king, who it is admitted reigned in the times of Romulus. And in that part of the Hebrew nation called Israel, Hoshea had begun to reign.