Augustinus von Hippo (354-430)
De Trinitate
The Fifteen Books of Aurelius Augustinus, Bishop of Hippo, on the Trinity
Book X.
In which there is shown to be another trinity in the mind of man, and one that appears much more evidently, viz. in his memory, understanding, and will.
De Trinitate
Liber X
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The Fifteen Books of Aurelius Augustinus, Bishop of Hippo, on the Trinity |
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On the Trinity - Introductory Essay |
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- The Fifteen Books of Aurelius Augustinus, Bishop of Hippo, on the Trinity
- Book I.
- Book II.
- Book III.
- Book IV.
- Book V.
- Book VI.
- Book VII.
- Book VIII.
- Book IX.
- Book X.
- Chapter 1.--The Love of the Studious Mind, that Is, of One Desirous to Know, is Not the Love of a Thing Which It Does Not Know.
- Chapter 2.--No One at All Loves Things Unknown.
- Chapter 3.--That When the Mind Loves Itself, It is Not Unknown to Itself.
- Chapter 4.--How the Mind Knows Itself, Not in Part, But as a Whole.
- Chapter 5.--Why the Soul is Enjoined to Know Itself. Whence Come the Errors of the Mind Concerning Its Own Substance.
- Chapter 6.--The Opinion Which the Mind Has of Itself is Deceitful.
- Chapter 7.--The Opinions of Philosophers Respecting the Substance of the Soul. The Error of Those Who are of Opinion that the Soul is Corporeal, Does Not Arise from Defective Knowledge of the Soul, But from Their Adding There to Something Foreign to It. What is Meant by Finding.
- Chapter 8.--How the Soul Inquires into Itself. Whence Comes the Error of the Soul Concerning Itself.
- Chapter 9.--The Mind Knows Itself, by the Very Act of Understanding the Precept to Know Itself.
- Chapter 10.--Every Mind Knows Certainly Three Things Concerning Itself--That It Understands, that It Is, and that It Lives.
- Chapter 11.--In Memory, Understanding [or Intelligence], and Will, We Have to Note Ability, Learning, and Use. Memory, Understanding, and Will are One Essentially, and Three Relatively.
- Chapter 12.--The Mind is an Image of the Trinity in Its Own Memory, and Understanding, and Will.
- Book XI.
- Book XII.
- Book XIII.
- Book XIV.
- Book XV.