Chapter 59.--Offence to Be Avoided.
Neither is what follows by any means to be said,--that is, "But others of you who abide in the delight of sins have not yet arisen, because the aid of pitying grace has not yet lifted you up;" when it may be and ought to be well and conveniently said, "But if any of you are still delaying in the delightfulness of damnable sins, lay hold of the most wholesome discipline; and yet when you have done this be not lifted up, as if by your own works, nor boast as if you had not received this. For it is God who worketh in you both to will and to do for His good will, 1 and your steps are directed by the Lord, so that you choose His way. 2 But of your own good and righteous course, learn carefully that it is attributable to the predestination of divine grace."