Ad Demetrianum [PL]
Nec ideo quis putet Christianos iis quae accidunt non vindicari, quod et ipsi videantur accidentium incursione perstringi: poenam de adversis mundi ille sentit cui et laetitia et gloria omnis in mundo est; ille moeret et deflet, si sibi male sit in saeculo, cui bene non potest esse post saeculum, cujus vivendi fructus omnis hic capitur, cujus hic solatium omne finitur, cujus caduca et brevis vita hic aliquam dulcedinem computat et voluptatem, quando istinc excesserit, poena jam sola superest ad dolorem. Caeterum nullus iis dolor est de incursione malorum praesentium quibus fiducia est futurorum bonorum. Denique nec consternimur adversis, nec frangimur [Col. 0558B]
nec dolemus, neque in ulla aut rerum clade aut corporum valetudine mussitamus. Spiritu magis quam carne viventes, firmitate animi infirmitatem corporis vincimus. Per ipsa quae nos cruciant et fatigant, probari et corroborari nos scimus et fidimus.
An Address to Demetrianus
Nor let anybody think that Christians are not avenged by those things that are happening, for the reason that they also themselves seem to be affected by their visitation. A man feels the punishment of worldly adversity, when all his joy and glory are in the world. He grieves and groans if it is ill with him in this life, with whom it cannot be well after this life, all the fruit of whose life is received here, all whose consolation is ended here, whose fading and brief life here reckons some sweetness and pleasure, but when it has departed hence, there remains for him only punishment added to sorrow. But they have no suffering from the assault of present evils who have confidence in future good things. In fact, we are never prostrated by adversity, nor are we broken down, nor do we grieve or murmur in any external misfortune or weakness of body: living by the Spirit rather than by the flesh, we overcome bodily weakness by mental strength. By those very things which torment and weary us, we know and trust that we are proved and strengthened. 1
[Beautiful triumph of faith, "peace in believing!"] ↩