The Life of S. Hilarion
Facidia is a hamlet belonging to Rhino-Corura, a city of Egypt. From this village a woman who had been blind for ten years was brought to the blessed Hilarion, and on being presented to him by the brethren (for there were now many monks with him) affirmed that she had spent all her substance on physicians. The saint replied: “If you had given to the poor what you have wasted on physicians, the true physician Jesus would have cured you.” But when she cried aloud and entreated pity, he spat into her eyes, in imitation of the Saviour, and with similar instant effect.
Vita S. Hilarionis
Caeca mulier a decem annis. – Facidia viculus est Rhinocorurae urbis Aegypti. De hoc ergo vico, decem iam annis caeca mulier adducta est ad beatum Hilarionem: oblataque ei a fratribus (iam enim multi cum eo Monachi erant) omnem se substantiam expendisse ait in medicos. Cui respondit: Si quae in medicis perdidisti, dedisses pauperibus, curasset te verus medicus Iesus. Clamante autem illa, et misericordiam deprecante, exspuit in oculos eius: statimque Salvatoris exemplum virtus eadem [0035B] prosecuta est.