De patientia
Of Patience
Bibliographische Angabe
The Writings of the Fathers Down to A.D. 325 ANTE-NICENE FATHERS: VOLUME 3. Latin Christianity: Its Founder, Tertullian I. Apologetic; II. Anti-Marcion; III. Ethical Edited by Alexander Roberts, D.D. & James Donaldson, D.D. Revised and chronologically arranged, with brief prefaces and occasional notes by A. Cleveland Coxe, D.D. originally published in the United States by the Christian Literature Publishing Company, 1885 Second printing -- June 1995 (Translation, Englisch)
3. Jh.
- Of Patience.
- Chapter I.--Of Patience Generally; And Tertullian's Own Unworthiness to Treat of It.
- Chapter II.--God Himself an Example of Patience.
- Chapter III.--Jesus Christ in His Incarnation and Work a More Imitable Example Thereof.
- Chapter IV.--Duty of Imitating Our Master Taught Us by Slaves. Even by Beasts. Obedient Imitation is Founded on Patience.
- Chapter V.--As God is the Author of Patience So the Devil is of Impatience.
- Chapter VI.--Patience Both Antecedent and Subsequent to Faith.
- Chapter VII.--The Causes of Impatience, and Their Correspondent Precepts.
- Chapter VIII.--Of Patience Under Personal Violence and Malediction.
- Chapter IX.--Of Patience Under Bereavement.
- Chapter X.--Of Revenge.
- Chapter XI.--Further Reasons for Practising Patience. Its Connection with the Beatitudes.
- Chapter XII.--Certain Other Divine Precepts. The Apostolic Description of Charity. Their Connection with Patience.
- Chapter XIII.--Of Bodily Patience.
- Chapter XIV.--The Power of This Twofold Patience, the Spiritual and the Bodily. Exemplified in the Saints of Old.
- Chapter XV.--General Summary of the Virtues and Effects of Patience.
- Chapter XVI.--The Patience of the Heathen Very Different from Christian Patience. Theirs Doomed to Perdition. Ours Destined to Salvation.