A Sectional Confession of Faith. 1
Edited in Latin by Gerardus Vossius, Opp. Greg. Thaum., Paris, 1662, in fol.; given in Greek from the Codex Vaticanus by Cardinal Mai, Script. Vet., vii. p. 170. Vossius has the following argument: This is a second Confession of Faith, and one widely different from the former, which this great Gregory of ours received by revelation. This seems, however, to be designated an ekthesis tes kata meros pisteos, either because it records and expounds the matters of the faith only in part, or because the Creed is explained in it by parts. The Jesuit theologian Franc. Torrensis (the interpreter and scholiast of this ekthesis) has, however, rendered the phrase he kata meros pistis, by the Latin fides non universa sed in parte. And here we have a fides non universa sed in parte, according to him,--a creed not of all the dogmas of the Church, but only of some in opposition to the heretics who deny them. [The better view.] ↩