(Vicar of the Lord, p. 27.)
The recurrence of this emphatic expression in our author is worthy of special note. He knew of no other "Vicar of Christ" than the promised Paraclete, who should bring all Christ's words to remembrance, and be "another Comforter." Let me quote from Dr. Scott 1 a very striking passage in illustration: "The Holy Ghost, after Christ's departure from the world, acted immediately under Christ as the supreme vicegerent of his kingdom; for next, and immediately under Christ, He authorized the bishops and governors of the Church, and constituted them overseers of the flock (Acts xx. 28). It was He that chose their persons, and appointed their work, and gave them their several orders and directions: in all which, it is evident that He acted under Christ as His supreme substitute. Accordingly, by Tertullian he is styled the Vicarious Virtue, or Power,' as He was the Supreme Vicar and substitute of Christ in mediating for God with men."
The Christian Life, vol. iii. p. 64. ↩