Caput 23
His ergo auditis atque perspectis pro captu infirmitatis meae (quam tibi confiteor scienti deo meo), duo video dissensionum genera oboriri posse, cum aliquid a nuntiis veracibus per signa enuntiatur, unum, si de veritate rerum, alterum, si de ipsius qui enuntiat voluntate dissensio est. aliter enim quaerimus de creaturae conditione, quid verum sit, aliter autem quid in his verbis Moyses, egregius domesticus fidei tuae, intellegere lectorem auditoremque voluerit. in illo primo genere discedant a me omnes, qui ea, quae falsa sunt, se scire arbitrantur. in hoc item altero discedant a me omnes, qui ea quae falsa sunt Moysen dixisse arbitrantur. coniungar autem illis, domine, in te et delecter cum eis in te, qui veritate tua pascuntur in latitudine caritatis, et accedamus simul ad verba libri tui, et quaeremus in eis voluntatem tuam per voluntatem famuli tui, cuius calamo dispensasti ea.
The Confessions of St. Augustin In Thirteen Books
Chapter XXIII.--Two Kinds of Disagreements in the Books to Be Explained.
32. These things, therefore, being heard and perceived according to my weakness of apprehension, which I confess unto Thee, O Lord, who knowest it, I see that two sorts of differences may arise when by signs anything is related, even by true reporters,--one concerning the truth of the things, the other concerning the meaning of him who reports them. For in one way we inquire, concerning the forming of the creature, what is true; but in another, what Moses, that excellent servant of Thy faith, would have wished that the reader and hearer should understand by these words. As for the first kind, let all those depart from me who imagine themselves to know as true what is false. And as for the other also, let all depart from me who imagine Moses to have spoken things that are false. But let me be united in Thee, O Lord, with them, and in Thee delight myself with them that feed on Thy truth, in the breadth of charity; and let us approach together unto the words of Thy book, and in them make search for Thy will, through the will of Thy servant by whose pen Thou hast dispensed them.