Caput 1
Cognoscam te, cognitor meus, congoscam sicut et cognitus sum. virtus animae meae, intra in eam et coapta tibi, ut habeas et possideas sine macula et ruga. haec est mea spes, ideo loquor et in ea spe gaudeo, quando sanum gaudeo. cetera vero vitae huius tanto minus flenda, quanto magis fletur, et tanto magis flenda, quanto minus fletur in eis. ecce enim veritatem dilexisti, quoniam qui facit eam, venit ad lucem. volo eam facere in corde meo coram te in confessione, in stilo autem meo coram multis testibus.
The Confessions of St. Augustin In Thirteen Books
Chapter I.--In God Alone is the Hope and Joy of Man.
1. Let me know Thee, O Thou who knowest me; let me know Thee, as I am known. 1 O Thou strength of my soul, enter into it, and prepare it for Thyself, that Thou mayest have and hold it without "spot or wrinkle." 2 This is my hope, "therefore have I spoken;" 3 and in this hope do I rejoice, when I rejoice soberly. Other things of this life ought the less to be sorrowed for, the more they are sorrowed for; and ought the more to be sorrowed for, the less men do sorrow for them. For behold, "Thou desirest truth," 4 seeing that he who does it "cometh to the light." 5 This wish I to do in confession in my heart before Thee, and in my writing before many witnesses.