De resurrectione carnis
[1] Ita de vocabulorum occasionibus plurimum quaestiones subornantur, sicut et de verborum communionibus. Nam quia et illud apud apostolum positum est, Uti devoretur mortale a vita, caro scilicet, devorationem quoque ad perditionem scilicet carnis adripiunt, quasi non et bilem et dolorem devorare dicamur, id est abscondere et tegere et intra nosmetipsos continere. [2] Denique cum et illud scriptum sit, Oportet mortale hoc induere immortalitatem, ostenditur quomodo mortale devoretur a vita, dum indutum immortalitate absconditur et tegitur et intus continetur, non dum absumitur et amittitur. [3] Ergo et mors, inquis, salva erit cum fuerit devorata. Ideo discerne pro sensibus communionem verborum, et integre intelleges. Aliud enim mors et aliud mortale: aliter itaque devorabitur mors et aliter mortale. Mors non capit immortalitatem, mortale autem capit. [4] Denique et scriptum est quod necesse est mortale hoc induere immortalitatem. Quomodo ergo capit? Dum devoratur a vita. Quomodo devoratur a vita? Dum recipitur et redigitur et includitur in ipsam. Ceterum mors merito in interitum devoratur quia et ipsa in hoc devorat. [5] Devoravit, inquit, mors invalescendo: et ideo devorata est in contentionem: Ubi est mors aculeus tuus? Ubi est mors contentio tua? Proinde et vita, mortis scilicet aemula, per contentionem devorabit in salutem quod per contentionem suam devoraverat mors in interitum.
On the Resurrection of the Flesh
Chapter LIV.--Death Swallowed Up of Life. Meaning of This Phrase in Relation to the Resurrection of the Body.
Then, again, questions very often are suggested by occasional and isolated terms, just as much as they are by connected sentences. Thus, because of the apostle's expression, "that mortality may be swallowed up of life" 1 --in reference to the flesh--they wrest the word swallowed up into the sense of the actual destruction of the flesh; as if we might not speak of ourselves as swallowing bile, or swallowing grief, meaning that we conceal and hide it, and keep it within ourselves. The truth is, when it is written, "This mortal must put on immortality," 2 it is explained in what sense it is that "mortality is swallowed up of life"--even whilst, clothed with immortality, it is hidden and concealed, and contained within it, not as consumed, and destroyed, and lost. But death, you will say in reply to me, at this rate, must be safe, even when it has been swallowed up. Well, then, I ask you to distinguish words which are similar in form according to their proper meanings. Death is one thing, and mortality is another. It is one thing for death to be swallowed up, and another thing for mortality to be swallowed up. Death is incapable of immortality, but not so mortality. Besides, as it is written that "this mortal must put on immortality," 3 how is this possible when it is swallowed up of life? But how is it swallowed up of life, (in the sense of destroyed by it) when it is actually received, and restored, and included in it? For the rest, it is only just and right that death should be swallowed up in utter destruction, since it does itself devour with this same intent. Death, says the apostle, has devoured by exercising its strength, and therefore has been itself devoured in the struggle "swallowed up in victory." 4 "O death, where is thy sting? O death, where is thy victory?" 5 Therefore life, too, as the great antagonist of death, will in the struggle swallow up for salvation what death, in its struggle, had swallowed up for destruction.