Œuvres Polycarpe de Smyrne (69-155) Epistula ad Philippenses The Epistle of S. Polycarp to the Philippians (Loeb)
Polycarpe de Smyrne 69-155
Epistula ad Philippenses
The Epistle of S. Polycarp to the Philippians (Loeb)

Référence bibliographique

The Epistle of S. Polycarp to the Philippians/Ed. Kirsopp Lake. In: The Apostolic Fathers. Vol. 1. I Clement. II Clement. Ignatius. Polycarp. Didache. Barnabas. (Loeb Classical Library). Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1912. (Edition, Grec)


CPG 1040


IIe siècle


Table des matières