Caput 6
Sed quae causa fuerat, o lumen veridicum, tibi admoveo cor meum, ne me vana doceat, discute tenebras eius, et dic mihi, obsecro te per matrem caritatem, obsecro te, dic mihi, quae causa fuerat, ut post nominatum caelum et terram invisibilem et incompositam et tenebras super abyssum tum demum scriptura tua nominaret spiritum tuum? an quia oportebat sic eum insinuari, ut diceretur superferri? non posset hoc dici, nisi prius illud commemoraretur, cui superferri spiritus tuus posset intellegi. nec patri enim nec filio superferebatur, nec superferri recte diceretur, si nulli rei superferretur. prius ergo dicendum erat, cui superferretur, et deinde ille, quem non oportebat aliter commemorari, nisi ut superferri diceretur. cur ergo eum aliter insinuari non oportebat, nisi ut superferri diceretur?
The Confessions of St. Augustin In Thirteen Books
Chapter VI.--Why the Holy Ghost Should Have Been Mentioned After the Mention of Heaven and Earth.
7. But what was the cause, O Thou true-speaking Light? Unto Thee do I lift up my heart, let it not teach me vain things; disperse its darkness, and tell me, I beseech Thee, by our mother charity, tell me, I beseech Thee, the reason why, after the mention of heaven, and of the earth invisible and formless, and darkness upon the deep, Thy Scripture should then at length mention Thy Spirit? Was it because it was meet that it should be spoken of Him that He was "borne over," and this could not be said, unless that were first mentioned "over" which Thy Spirit may be understood to have been "borne?" For neither was He "borne over" the Father, nor the Son, nor could it rightly be said that He was "borne over" if He were "borne over" nothing. That, therefore, was first to be spoken of "over" which He might be "borne;" and then He, whom it was not meet to mention otherwise than as having been "borne." Why, then, was it not meet that it should otherwise be mentioned of Him, than as having been "borne over?"