The Confessions of St. Augustin In Thirteen Books
Chapter V.--What May Have Been the Form of Matter.
5. So that when herein thought seeketh what the sense may arrive at, and saith to itself, "It is no intelligible form, such as life or justice, because it is the matter of bodies; nor perceptible by the senses, because in the invisible and formless there is nothing which can be seen and felt;--while human thought saith these things to itself, it may endeavour either to know it by being ignorant, or by knowing it to be ignorant.
Caput 5
Ut, cum in ea quaerit cogitatio, quid sensus attingat, et dicit sibi: non est intellegibilis forma sicut vita, sicut iustitia, quia materies est corporum, neque sensibilis, quoniam quid videatur et quid sentiatur in invisibili et incomposita non est, dum sibi haec dicit humana cogitatio, conetur eam vel nosse ignorando vel ignorare noscendo?