Les prescriptions contre les Hérétiques
Mais voulez-vous satisfaire une louable curiosité, qui a pour objet le salut, parcourez les Eglises apostoliques, où président encore, et dans les mêmes places, les chaires des Apôtres; où, lorsque vous écouterez la lecture de leurs lettres originales, vous croirez voir leurs visages, vous croirez entendre leur voix. Etes-vous près de l'Achaïe, vous avez Corinthe; de la Macédoine, vous avez Philippes et Thessalonique. Passez-vous en Asie, vous avez Ephèse; êtes-vous sur les frontières de l'Italie; vous avez Rome, à l'autorité de qui nous sommes aussi à portée de recourir. Heureuse Eglise, dans le sein de laquelle les Apôtres ont répandu toute leur doctrine avec leur sang, où Pierre est crucifié comme son maître, où Paul est couronné comme Jean-Baptiste, d'où Jean l'Evangéliste, sorti de l'huile bouillante sain et sauf, est relégué dans une île! Voyons donc ce qu'a appris et ce qu'enseigne Rome, et en quoi elle communique particulièrement avec les Eglises d'Afrique. Elle croit en un seul Dieu créateur de l'univers, en Jésus-Christ son Fils, né de la vierge Marie; elle confesse la résurrection de la chair; elle reçoit, avec la loi et les prophètes, les Evangiles et les lettres des Apôtres. Voilà les sources où elle puise sa foi. Elle fait renaître ses enfants dans l'eau, elle les revêt du Saint-Esprit, elle les nourrit de l'Eucharistie, les exhorte au martyre, et rejette quiconque ne professe pas cette doctrine. C'est cette doctrine, je ne dis plus qui nous annonçait des hérésies pour les temps à venir, mais de qui elles sont sorties. Il est vrai que du moment qu'elles se sont élevées contre elles, elles ne lui appartiennent plus. Du noyau d'un fruit doux et nécessaire, de l'olive, des grains de la figue la plus exquise, viennent des plantes trompeuses et stériles, des oliviers et des figuiers sauvages; de même les hérésies, quoique nées dans notre fonds, nous sont absolument étrangères: la semence de la vérité a dégénéré chez elles, et le mensonge en a fait comme autant de plantes sauvages.
The Prescription Against Heretics
Chapter XXXVI.--The Apostolic Churches the Voice of the Apostles. Let the Heretics Examine Their Apostolic Claims, in Each Case, Indisputable. The Church of Rome Doubly Apostolic; Its Early Eminence and Excellence. Heresy, as Perverting the Truth, is Connected Therewith.
Come now, you who would indulge a better curiosity, if you would apply it to the business of your salvation, run over the apostolic churches, in which the very thrones 1 of the apostles are still pre-eminent in their places, 2 in which their own authentic writings 3 are read, uttering the voice and representing the face of each of them severally. Achaia is very near you, (in which) you find Corinth. Since you are not far from Macedonia, you have Philippi; (and there too) you have the Thessalonians. Since you are able to cross to Asia, you get Ephesus. Since, moreover, you are close upon Italy, 4 you have Rome, from which there comes even into our own hands the very authority (of apostles themselves). 5 How happy is its church, on which apostles poured forth all their doctrine along with their blood! where Peter endures a passion like his Lord's! where Paul wins his crown in a death like John's 6 where the Apostle John was first plunged, unhurt, into boiling oil, and thence remitted to his island-exile! See what she has learned, what taught, what fellowship has had with even (our) churches in Africa! 7 One Lord God does she acknowledge, the Creator of the universe, and Christ Jesus (born) of the Virgin Mary, the Son of God the Creator; and the Resurrection of the flesh; the law and the prophets she unites 8 in one volume with the writings of evangelists and apostles, from which she drinks in her faith. This she seals with the water (of baptism), arrays with the Holy Ghost, feeds with the Eucharist, cheers with martyrdom, 9 and against such a discipline thus (maintained) she admits no gainsayer. This is the discipline which I no longer say foretold that heresies should come, but from 10 which they proceeded. However, they were not of her, because they were opposed to her. 11 Even the rough wild-olive arises from the germ 12 of the fruitful, rich, and genuine 13 olive; also from the seed 14 of the mellowest and sweetest fig there springs the empty and useless wild-fig. In the same way heresies, too, come from our plant, 15 although not of our kind; (they come) from the grain of truth, 16 but, owing to their falsehood, they have only wild leaves to show. 17
Cathedrae. ↩
Suis locis praesident. ↩
Authenticae. This much disputed phrase may refer to the autographs or the Greek originals (rather than the Latin translations), or full unmutilated copies as opposed to the garbled ones of the heretics. The second sense is probably the correct one. ↩
[Note, those near by may resort to this ancient and glorious church; not as any better than Corinth, or Philippi, or having any higher Apostolic throne. See Irenaeus, Vol. I. p. 415, (note) and Elucid. p. 460.] ↩
Compare our Anti-Marcion, iv. 5, p. 186. ↩
The Baptist's. ↩
[Observe--"even with us in Africa." If this implies noteworthy love, it proves that there was no organic relation requiring such particular fellowship, even in the West.] ↩
Miscet. ↩
We have taken Oehler's hint in favour of "martyrio." The usual reading "martyrium" (meaning "she exhorts to martyrdom") is stiff, and unsuited to the context. ↩
De. ↩
Or, "they were not of it, because they were opposed to it," i.e., the discipline or teaching. ↩
Nucleo. ↩
Necessariae. ↩
Papavere. "Ego cum aliis papaver ficus interpretor de seminalibus ficus, non de ipso fructu" (Oehler). ↩
Frutice. ↩
We again follow Oehler's hint, who would like to read "de grano veritatis." The texts are obscure, and vary much here. ↩
Silvestres. ↩