Fragments of Clemens Alexandrinus
Bibliographische Angabe
The Ante-Nicene Fahters Translations of The Writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325 The Rev. Alexander Roberts, D.D., and James Donaldson, LL.D., Editors American Reprint of the Edinburgh Edition Revised and chronologically arranged, with brief prefaces and occasional notes by A. Cleveland Coxe, D.D. Volume II: Fathers of the second Century: Hermas, Tatian, Athenagoras, Theophilus, and Clement of Alexandria (entire) 1885, reprint 2001 (Translation, Englisch)
CPG 1399
um 200
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- Fragments of Clemens Alexandrinus.
- I.--From the Latin Translation of Cassiodorus.
- II.--Nicetas Bishop of Heraclea.
- III.--From the Catena on Luke, Edited by Corderius.
- IV.--From the Books of the Hypotyposes.
- OEcumenius from Book III. On 1 Cor. xi. 10.
- The Same, Book IV. On 2 Cor. v. 16.
- The Same, Book IV. On 2 Cor. vi. 11.
- The Same, Book V. On Gal. v. 24.
- Moschus: Spiritual Meadow, Book V. Chap. 176.
- Eusebius: Ecclesiastical History, Book VI. II. 1.
- Eusebius: Ecclesiastical History, II. 15.
- Eusebius: Ibid.
- Eusebius: Ecclesiastical History, VI. 14.
- Eusebius: Book VII.
- Eusebius: Ecclesiastical History, Book. VII. II. 1.
- Eusebius: the Same, II. 2.
- Eusebius: the Same, VI. 14.
- Eusebius: the Same.
- V.--From the Book on Providence.
- VI.--From the Book on the Soul.
- VII.--Fragment from the Book on Slander.
- VIII.--Other Fragments from Antonius Melissa.
- IX.--Fragment of the Treatise on Marriage.
- X.--Fragments of Other Lost Books.
- XI.--Fragments Found in Greek Only in the Oxford Edition.
- From the Last Work on the Passover. (Quoted in the Paschal Chronicle.)
- The Same.
- Macarius Chrysocephalus: Parable of the Prodigal Son, Luke xv., Oration on Luke xv., Towards the Close.
- Macarius Chrysocephalus: Oration VIII. On Matt. viii., and Book VII. On Luke xiii.
- From the Same.--Book XIII. Chap. IX.
- XII.--Fragments Not Given in the Oxford Edition.
- 1. In Anastasius Sinaita, Quest. 96.
- 2. Joannes Veccus, Patriarch of Constantinople, on the Procession of the Spirit. In Leo Allatius, Vol. I. p. 248.
- 3. From the Unpublished Disputation Against Iconoclasts, of Nicephorus of Constantinople; Edited in Greek and Latin by Le Nourry in His Apparatus to the Library of the Fathers, Vol. I. p. 1334 a.b. From Clement the Presbyter of Alexandria's Book Against Judaizers.
- 4. From ms. Marked 2431 in the Library of the Most Christian King.--Ibid. p. 1336 a. From the Very Holy and Blessed Clement, Presbyter of Alexandria, the Stromatist's Book on Providence.
- 5. From the Same ms.--Ibid. 1335 D.
- 6. In John of Damascus--Parallel--Vol. II. p. 307.
- 7. The Same, p. 341.
- 8. The Same, p. 657.
- 9. From the Catena on the Pentateuch, Published in Latin by Francis Zephyrus, p. 146.
- 10. From J. A. Cramer's Catenae Graecorum Patrum in Nov. Test. Oxford 1840
- 11. The Same, Vol. IV. p. 291.
- 12. p. 369, Chap. x. 3.
- 13. Vol. VI. p. 385.
- 14. From the Same, p. 391.
- 15. From Vol. III. V. 286.
- 16. From the Same.
- P. 142.
- P. 149.
- P. 144.
- P. 145.
- P. 146.
- P. 147.
- N. B.