Defence before Constantius
12.Truth the defence of Thrones.
Had I been accused before any other, I should have appealed to your Piety; as once the Apostle appealed unto Cæsar, and put an end to the designs of his enemies against him. But since they have had the boldness to lay their charge before you, to whom shall I appeal from you? to the Father of Him who says, ‘I am the Truth 1,’ that He may incline your heart into clemency:—
O Lord Almighty, and King of eternity, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who by Thy Word hast given this Kingdom to Thy servant Constantius; do Thou shine into his heart, that he, knowing the falsehood that is set against me, may both favourably receive this my defence; and may make known unto all men, that his ears are firmly set to hearken unto the Truth, according as it is written, ‘Righteous lips alone are acceptable unto the King 2.’ For Thou hast caused it to be said by Solomon, that thus the throne of the kingdom shall be established.
Wherefore at least enquire into this matter, and let the accusers understand that your desire is to learn the truth; and see, whether they will not shew their falsehood by their very looks; for the countenance is a test of the conscience as it is written, ‘A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken 3.’ Thus they who had conspired against Joseph 4 were convicted by their own consciences; and the craft of Laban towards Jacob was shewn in his countenance 5. And thus you see the suspicious alarm of these persons, for they fly and hide themselves; but on our part frankness in making our defence. And the question between us is not one regarding worldly wealth, but concerning the honour of the Church. He that has been struck by a stone, applies to a physician; but sharper than a stone are the strokes of calumny; for as Solomon has said, ‘A false witness is a maul, and a sword, and a sharp arrow 6,’ and its wounds Truth alone is able to cure; and if Truth be set at nought, they grow worse and worse.
Apologie de Saint Athanase à l'Empereur Constance
Si la calomnie s’était adressée à d’autres, je ferais appel à ta Piété, comme l’Apôtre fit appel à César pour voir cesser les complots de ses ennemis; mais puisque c’est près de toi qu’on ose m’accuser, à qui appellerai-je de ton tribunal? au Père de Celui qui dit: Je suis la vérité, afin qu’il incline ton cœur à la bienveillance. Maître tout-puissant, roi des siècles, père de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ, c’est toi qui par ton Verbe as donné cet empire à ton serviteur Constance. Eclaire son cœur, afin qu’il reconnaisse la calomnie ourdie contre moi et accueille avec bonté mon apologie; qu’il ne laisse ignorer de personne que ses oreilles sont affermies dans la vérité, et que, selon l’Ecriture, Seules, les lèvres justes sont agréées du roi. C’est ainsi, en effet, que prospère le trône de la royauté, comme tu l’as fais dire par Salomon.
Ainsi donc, interroge, et que les accusateurs apprennent que tu te préoccupes de découvrir la vérité. Observe si la couleur de leur visage ne dévoile pas leur calomnie: car c’est un indice de la conscience. Le visage, dit l’Ecriture, s’épanouit dans la joie du cœur; mais, dans le chagrin, il est triste. Ainsi la conscience trahit les complots des frères de Joseph; ainsi le visage de Laban montra sa méchanceté contre Jacob. Aussi vois-tu le soupçon chez ceux qui fuient et se cachent, et, en nous, la liberté de la justification: car il ne s’agit pas aujourd’hui de biens de fortune, mais de la gloire de l’Eglise. Celui qui est frappé d’une pierre, cherche le médecin; mais les coups de la calomnie sont plis aigus que ceux des pierres: La calomnie, dit Salomon, est une massue, un glaive, un javelot aiguisé. Contre eux, il n’est de remède que la vérité. La néglige-t-on : les blessures s’aggravent plus terriblement.